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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Belfast Cub Scouts Caton Week-end

Morecambe Visitor April 5, 1972

Thirty Cub Scouts from ten Belfast packs, who were escorted by four leaders, spent Easter away from the troubled areas as guests of Caton scouts and enjoyed a variety of activities.

They were welcomed officially in the Church Hall in the morning. In the afternoon some of the boys played 5-a-side football and the others held a pack meeting.

On Sunday were to have spent the day at Littledale camp, but due to the wet weather it was decided to cancel this and instead they went to St. Paul’s Church for morning service. The afternoon was free and some of them went out with their hosts.

On Monday morning a football match played on the school field ended in a three-all draw. In the afternoon there was a visit to the Ashton Memorial in Williamson Park, Lancaster, after which tea was served at the Scout Headquarters on St. George’s Quay. Later they visited the Duke’s Playhouse to see “The Incredible Quest for the Stolen Hiccup.”

On Tuesday morning the boys did ‘Job Week’ jobs and in the afternoon they met again to prepare for the Camp Fire which was to round off the week-end activities. Some of the boys played football and after a rousing Camp Fire they were seen off on the boat.

The visit had been proposed and arranged by Mrs. I. Myers, an assistant leader of the Caton Cubs. Before leaving the boys presented a shield to the Caton pack in appreciation of their stay.

Lonsdale District Scouts