We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Cub Fun Day




 Dear Leaders

As the Outward Bound Day at Great Tower has been cancelled this year, Lonsdale District Team have decided to hold a Cub Fun Day for Cubs 9 years and over  to be held at the above campsite.  The cost of this day is £3.00 per Cub payable in advance, and at this stage a maximum number of 5 cubs from each Pack may take part.  If other Packs decide not to enter Cubs, then any other places will be allotted at a later date.

Please would you register your interest now if your Pack would like to take part, (could you also respond if you DO NOT WISH TO TAKE PART) so that we may know numbers.

Each Cub would need a waterproof coat, strong footwear, packed lunch and a drink.  No money will be needed except the day fee.

I would like Leaders from each Pack to help run bases so an extra adult will be needed to go round the bases with the Cubs, this could be a CRB’ed Parent.

Transport this could be 2 cars per group bringing the cubs up with them and eliminating the need for parents to come and clog up our car park.

Bases we wish to provide (subject to leader availability) are :

Archery, Shooting,  Assault Course, Shelter Building, Wide Games, Knives/Axes, Bouldering Wall, Zip Wire, Branding Irons, Camp Gadgets, Balsa wood whittling, firelighting/backwoods cooking

Please let me know if you have any other bases we could run.

Yours in Scouting

Pat Armstrong

ADC Cubs

Lonsdale District Scouts