We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

District Ball 2016


You are invited to the District Ball 2016…

Date: 12th November

Venue: View, The University of Cumbria, Bowerham Road, Lancaster.

Time: 7pm – Midnight

Cost: £35 which includes a 3 course dinner, glass of fizz, tea and coffee and live entertainment.

Dress Code: It’s a formal evening (but we’d rather you wear whatever you are comfortable in)

Building on the success of our ball in 2014…it’s back! We’d love you to join us for an evening of celebration. Whether you’re a leader, manager, committee member, occasional helper, supporter of Scouting, spouse or partner- we hope that you can join us. So speak to your friends in Scouting, get a group together and come and have a fantastic night!

To book tickets email either:
dc@lonsdalescouts.org.uk or debbie.dscs.smith@googlemail.com

Please specify the number of tickets, who (if anyone) you’d like to sit with, and whether you have any dietary requirements.

Cheques can be made payable to Lonsdale District Scouts and sent to:
Craig Dewar, 5 Pottery Gardens, Lancaster, LA1 3TB

Payment can also be made by BACS
CAF Bank sort code 40-52-40 account number 00021003
Please use the reference BALLSURNAME – Obviously inserting your surname.

Tickets will only be confirmed once full payment is received. The deadline for booking tickets is the 6th November. In the event that we are over-subscribed for the event, tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

We look forward to seeing you in your glad rags, and ready to dance the night away…

Best Wishes

Craig Dewar & Debbie Smith
Event Organisers.