We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Lonsdale Scouts – Happy New Year!‏

I hope that 2015 is full of excitement and adventure for you, your families and the young people that you work with. As a District Team we have been looking at our New Year’s Resolutions (our key priorities) and I wanted to share them with you…

To support and help increase the number of nights away opportunities for all members.
To increase the number of young people achieving the Chief Scout’s Awards in every section.
To recruit more adult volunteers into a variety of roles.
To ensure that no young person, who is eligible to join Scouting, has to wait longer than 3 months on a waiting list.
To provide Scouting to more young people, regardless of their background.

To help us achieve those resolutions I am delighted to announce two new appointments in this email.
Thanks for all that you do, and see you soon…


Nomination for District Secretary

It is the role of the District Scout Council (all adults and Explorer Scouts) to approve the nomination and appointment of a new District Secretary. This is normally done at the annual general meeting. However, David Manning indicated his wish to retire from this role at the end of December 2014. My thanks to David for the time he has given to this role. Now, we must find a replacement…

Rather than calling an extraordinary general meeting of the District Scout Council, I would like to confirm the nomination of a new District Secretary electronically.

The District Executive has confirmed their support for the nomination of Alan Hague to become the New District Secretary. Alan, is no stranger to the District, having been a member of the District Executive, the District Webmaster, a District Scout Leader, a Nights Away Advisor and until recently the Scout Leader and Group Scout Leader at 16th Morecambe.

As District Secretary, Alan would be responsible for the operation and administration of the District Executive, acting as our Company Secretary, ensuring we operate within our policy, organisation and rules and within the guidelines of the Charity Commission. Alan would also be responsible for co-ordinating our external relations with other organisations and act as our ‘company secretary.’

As this nomination needs the approval of the District Scout Council, I now ask that if anyone has any objections to this nomination then they should be addressed to the District Chairman, Tony Andrews before the 16th January. Tony can be emailed on ta.scout@mypostoffice.co.uk
If none are received then Alan’s appointment will be confirmed by the District Executive Committee on the 19th January.

New Assistant District Commissioner for the Cub Scout Section

I am delighted that Mandy Sweet has accepted my offer to become our new ADC Cubs, succeeding Pat Armstrong, effective the 1st January.

After 15 years with the Cub Scout Section, and more recently as Group Scout Leader at 35th Lancaster (a role she will continue to hold with the support of Dan Rawes as Assistant Group Scout Leader.) Mandy is passionate about the Cub Scout Section and about ensuring that the Cub Scout Section Programme is relevant, exciting, adventurous and lots of fun for the young people and the adults too.

To that end, Mandy and I have agreed some priorities:
-To reintroduce a District Cub Camp to the District programme. Starting in June 2015
-To review the District Calendar of events with section leaders.
-To provide support to Cub sections, and leaders, where residential experiences do not form part of the programme.
-To facilitate the sharing of the excellent programmes that are taking place in Cub Sections across the District.
-To review and strengthen the District Cub Scout Team so that sections, and particularly new leaders, receive regular support.

I know Mandy is excited about her new role, and is looking forward to supporting all Cub Leaders and Young Leaders across Lonsdale. I know you will give her your full support and congratulations.

Lonsdale District Scouts