Morecambe Guardian 13 November 1931:
Sir, -May I be allowed to draw the attention of your readers to a special effort which is being made to bring before the public the aims and objects for which the Boy Scout movement exists.
As will be seen in your advertisement columns we are greatly favoured in having a visit from the Chief Commissioner, Lord Hampton, D.S.O., on Wednesday, November 18th, in the Ashton Hall, Lancaster.

The programme is largely made up of numerous quick change and amusing items, given by the Scouts and Cubs, and should prove of interest to all.
For some years past we have been gradually developing schemes for the training of Scouters, and have a permanent training centre at the Blakeholme Scout Camp, on the edge of Windermere Lake, where training courses are arranged. If we are fortunate enough to fill the Ashton Hall it will enable us to start a training fund.
The instruction given the boys, is in a way which appeals to them, is adapted to individual needs and designed to bring out latent powers both of mind and body, and also through games and camping develop resource, observation, intelligence and physical health.
Our brotherhood is a really live thing and extending as it does to all nations, is a world wide power for good.
We have the finest raw material. Give us your support to help to turn out men of character and trained intelligence as good citizens. It is no dream.
Within the next 20 years, many of our 600 boys in this neighbourhood alone will by merit help to control the workshops and policy of this country.
The object of this really is to let the public know and see what it is in the their midst. – Yours, truly,
Springfield Hall, Lancaster.