Media-Tag: Archive photos

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Photos from the District archives and other sources.


Leaving the church between the ranks of the guard of honour after the Scouts and Guides St. George’s Day service at the Priory Church on Sunday are (from left) Mrs. D. A. Smart (Guides’ District Commissioner), Mr. H. Todd (Scouts’ District Commissioner) and the Mayor of Lancaster (Coun. T. S. Hayton).


The 31st Lancaster Wolf Cub pack (St. Luke’s Church) won both the Division 1 championship and the Palmer Cup in the Lancaster and District Wolf Cub Football League. They are pictured here with the Palmer Cup which they received after beating Crookhey Hall Pack, Cockerham by 8-0 in the final at Acrelands, Lancaster on Saturday


The full cast in the concert given by Lancaster and district Wolf Cubs at Sulyard Street Church Hall last Friday and Saturday.