We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Message from Our President

Message from Our President – Suzie Reynolds


Coronavirus and Covid-19

Keeping Calm – and Carrying On

“With the arrival of COVID 19, suddenly – almost without warning – it has felt as if our Scouting world had ground to a halt almost overnight, and yet it hasn’t, has it?

One of Scouting’s most important attributes is adaptability, and it’s an inspiration to see how we’re rising to the challenge of keeping going in these unprecedented times, both nationally and here in Lonsdale. Decisions, often difficult, are taken, and plans changed, but the message that’s coming through loud and clear, is that although nobody can predict exactly when it will happen, WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS. And at the end of this present dark tunnel we can look forward to the events and activities that have had to be postponed to bring us all together again.

In the meantime, the challenge is to support each other and if possible, continue our Scouting, albeit in a different and perhaps restricted form, but no less creative for that. We must also give thanks for the technology that allows us extraordinary access, not only to online activities, but even more importantly, keeps us all connected at a time when some may be feeling vulnerable and bewildered. Above all we must hang on to our core value of caring for others.

Take good care of yourselves and each other and with very best wishes.


Lonsdale District Scouts