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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Sea Scouts visit frigates

HMS Flint Castle

Lancaster Guardian 29 June 1951

THE 5th Lancaster Sea Scouts (82nd Admiralty Unit) were received as a unit on board the frigates, H.M.S. Flint-Castle, and H.M.S. Tintagel-Castle, at Heysham, on Sunday.

This was the day the boys had been waiting for, for the past three months and thanks for making the visit possible go to the captain in charge of both ships and also to the Publicity and Entertainments Department, Morecambe and Heysham.

The first to be welcomed on board by the 1st Officer of the Watch was the District Commissioner Mr. H. Todd and G.S.M. B. Toole, and then the boys in proper nautical style. The party was split in four and each section was shown above and below decks by A.B. seamen appointed as guides. To them, heartfelt thanks were expressed for the pains they took to explain with good results the working of ships from stem to stern.

Also in the party were the 4th Morecambe sea Scouts headed by G.S.M. F. Driver.

“An enjoyable morning was had by all,” writes “Scouter.”


Lonsdale District Scouts