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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Service of Empire 1931

Owing to the rain yesterday afternoon, at Morecambe, the Empire Day Service (including a march past of the various troops of sea rovers, scouts and cubs, rangers, girl guides and brownies of the district) which it was intended to hold at Happy Mount, Morecambe, had to be transferred to the Royalty Theatre. Soon after the service commenced indoors the rain ceased, and when the people came away the sun was shining brilliantly.

The scouts and guides staged their march past in the auditorium, the salute being taken from the stage by Miss D. Bardsley, of Lancaster, Guide Divisional Commissioner; Mrs. Wolfenden, Morecombe, Guide District Commissioner; and Mr. Edgar Barrow, Morecambe, Scout District Commissioner.

The service was conducted by the Rector of Morecambe (the Rev. Canon Seymour Scott, M.A.) who said it was cheering to see that the country was not without loyal subjects coming along in these very difficult days of our Empire. Rev. A. J. Edmunds said there needed to be something more than resorting to arms for the settlement of our disputes. Whilst they were proud of their nation and Empire, they must recognise that they could serve best by endeavouring to break down those barriers, misunderstandings and prejudices – mostly inherited from the past – which might bring about a far greater disaster than that of the last war. War was disaster in all circumstances, because, although Britain was victorious in the last war, she had to undergo great suffering and depression. On Empire Day they were not out to flout the glory of Empire  in the faces of other nations, but to recognise the responsibility of the Empire and the service which the Empire could render to the world in the cause of truth, righteousness and peace.

Lancashire Evening Post 25 May 1931