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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

The Patrol Goes To Camp

This booklet was one of a series of 26 at the time, costing 1s 6d (about 7p) offering guidance to Patrol Leaders on various subjects concerning patrol leadership – first published in 1950.

The cover illustrates some features now consigned to Scouting’s history and to the memories of an older generation. The principle one perhaps being travelling to camp on foot and carrying the equipment on a trek cart, suitably adorned with the patrol flag! You might also spot amongst the personal equipment blankets instead of a sleeping bag.

Here is a list of contents . . .

Preparatory work suggested included practice in packing a rucsac, making a bed with blankets, making a set of duffel bags for each member of the patrol, carving a patrol totem and painting it to fix on a staff to plant outside the patrol tent and making a first-aid pouch.

Chapter 4 deals with making your bed. “A lightweight sleeping bag, (or flea bag as we call it) is what most Scouts are keen to save up for. Meanwhile until then you will be able to make a warm and comfortable blanket bed, the fluffy blankets are the best.”

Chapter 6 is about the ‘inner man’. Menu items suggested include porridge for breakfast, eggs, kippers, haddock, fried potatoes and beans and scotch eggs!  – for lunch: cold meat and vegetables, stew with dumplings, sausage meat in batter, liver and bacon and kabobs. For afters you might try steamed pudding, stewed fruit, plum duff, pancakes, apple fritters, jelly or Welsh rarebit or cheese dreams. – Remember any of those?

How many of these camp gadgets would be used today?

Below is a list of the Patrol Series of books that were available.

Lonsdale District Scouts