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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

What Local Scouts Have Done

Morecambe Guardian 16 November 1929:-



I would like to state that the place at which this great Jamboree is to be held has not been definitely settled yet, in spite of the rumours which are flying round. We want it in Lancaster and if we can find a suitable place we shall have it – that is how it stands at present.  I have great pleasure in being able to give you the following information with regard to the arrangements.  We hoped to be able to ask all the neighbouring Counties to take part in the Saturday afternoon performances.   There is also a suggestion that the Girl Guides shall be asked to co-operate and make their own arrangements etc.  It is also hoped that the Chief Guide will accompany the Chief Scout – that is one of the great reasons we want the rally in Lancaster.  The following is the suggested programme and will form the basis of the arrangements: – Friday, June 20th, camp opens to Scouts; Saturday, June 21st, assembly, arrival and inspection by the Chief, displays in the arena, camp-fire open to the public; Sunday, June 22nd, massed Scouts Own, Scouters and Rovers conference etc., and Camp breaks up, massed displays will be given in the arena and Captain Michaelson wants all groups to communicate with their local secretaries or commissioners their suggestions on the following points: (a) Displays by districts or combined troops of Scouts which would require the whole arena; (b) Displays of turns of a smaller nature; (c) Camp fire items.


After this information is collected it is hoped to make arrangements for the various displays to be seen before deciding which shall be included.  It would save the expense of a marquee, and also be of more interest to the public if troops with handicrafts arranged to exhibit them on their campsites.  Scouts camping will be expected to make their own arrangements for tents, equipment and catering.  All Rovers are asked to give their services for duty in the camp, arena at on the gates, etc., and it is anticipated that every available one will be needed.  As the organisation proceeds it will be necessary to find experienced people who will take charge of the various departments. A honorary rally secretary is most needed, and any man willing to take the job is asked to communicate with Captain Michaelson.  We want to know as soon as possible the number of troops who anticipate camping and their probable strength, and also those troops who are going for the Saturdays only.  

11th Lancaster troop – Owing to the fact that we were unable to have a night at the Bulk Mission we are holding our meetings over our ASM’s shop at 28, Market Place.  One new boy is going strong with his Tenderfoot tests and four attending Inspector Bennett’s classes for the Friend to Animals Badge.  Patrol Leader McDonnell is endeavouring to get a troop library going. Good luck to him.  

12th Lancaster’s – Too busy cooking their ??? pies to send any notes this month.  We hope their supper is a success.

13th Lancaster – The outstanding event of the month was the awarding of his King’s Scout’s badge to Patrol Leader J. Nicholson.  Well done Tiny.  He has also gained his Red and White Cords.  Work in the Troop and also in the Rover Crew is progressing well in spite of the fact that night school has made it impossible for us to meet during the week at night.  Our club room is rapidly assuming a very Scout-like appearance and we never have a shortage of willing workers. Our Saturday evening parades are a great success and we all look forward to them very much.

14th C. C. C. Troop-Good attendances have been registered and work has been well maintained. A number of badges have been gained as will be seen from the list below.  One scout has almost qualified for his Interpreters Badge.  Inspector Bennett is taking the whole troop for the Friend to Animals Badge and we have welcomed several members from other troops.  This class will be our main activity for some time.  We are proud to report that one of our own Scouts, Alan Dowbiggin, has been appointed ASM, of the troop.  He began his career as a Scout with us and is the first commissioner we have reproduced, so, naturally, we are very proud of him. Good look, Alan. 

4th Lancaster Rovers – Fourteen of us have for the last month been tackling the first of the Wood Badge Courses.  We are preparing our part of the troop concert which is to be given on Wednesday, November 20, so don’t forget to come and have a good laugh.

On November 5th we had the pleasure of enrolling Patrol Leader Adams, late of the 14th, and Patrol Leader J. Webster of the 4th.  We have now three crews and are growing stronger every year.  Our hut up the river is a source of many a happy weekend but we sadly need a hut in town.  Like everything else, it wants money and we have had very little.

7th Lancaster – Badges gained during October: First class, J. Webster, 4th Lancaster; King’s Scout, J. Nicholson, 13th Lancaster; All Round Cords, J. Webster, 4th Lancaster; Red and White Cords, J. Nicholson, 13th Lancaster; Missioner, H. Leake, 14th Lancaster; Basket Worker, H. Leake, and P. C. Lawson, 14th Lancaster; Electrician, J. Nicholson, 13th Lancaster; Handyman, E. Blezard, G. Newby, H. Johnson, T. Gearson, E. Fern, S. Walker, H. Wilding, R. Lamb, T. Bradford, S. Gayson, B. Bateson, A. Day, C. Bingham, J. Stockdale, 12th Lancaster H. Leake, 14th Lancaster; Healthyman, H. Leake, T. K. Teasdale, D. Warwick, H. Adams, P. C. Lawson, A. Lawson, 14th Lancaster; Cyclist, F. R. Hayton, 13th Lancaster; Pathfinder , F. R. Hayton, J. Nicholson, 13th Lancaster.  


The twentieth annual general meeting of the Lancaster Boy Scouts was held in the Town Hall, on November 7th, and was well attended by Scouters and friends of the Movement.  Our president, Ald. Travis-Clegg J.P., D.L, was in the chair, and amongst those present were the ex-Mayor (Ald. Smith), Inspector Bennett, and Mr. Adams.

The Secretary read the following report of the years doings :

The Lancaster and District Boy Scouts Association is to be congratulated on its census figures which, in spite of great difficulties and the disbanding of the 1st Bare Troop, has shown a slight “all ranks increase.”  The Association now controls eleven Scout Troops, two Rover Crews, and four Cub packs.  The census returns are as follows: – 

Group Officers Rovers Scouts Cubs Tot.
4th L’caster 7 14 43 64
7th L’caster 2 20 20 42
11th L’caster 2 15 16
12th L’caster 3 36 20 59
13th L’caster 1 5 22 28
14th L’caster 2 23 25
1st M’cbe & Heysham 2 25 18 45
2nd M’cbe Sea Scouts 2 22 24
3rd M’cmbe 14 14
1st Caton 1 20 6 27
1st Ellel 1 20 21
Totals 23 19 260 64 366


During the year 274 Proficiency badges have been gained and four First Class Badges, two Kings’ Scouts, five All Round Cords, one Red and White Cords and one Bushman’s Thong.

The various competitions have been a great success, with the exception of the fire drill. The County Commissioner’s cup has been re-won by the 4th and the swimming shield has again been won, for the 4th year in succession, by the 13th Lancaster’s. The two rallies which were held have been very successful. One was held at Springfield Park on June 26th – open to the public – when 150 scouts, representing eight groups, took part.  There were no competitions but various displays took their place and the change was much appreciated by all.  The second took place at Bailrigg, on Saturday, August 24th, by the kind invitation of our President, and was for Scouts only.  This event was a great success and the hospitality provided was thoroughly enjoyed.

But the great event of the year was the Jamboree.  Lancaster was represented by 17 members; whilst on Saturday, August 10th, thanks to the kindness of the Rotary Club and other friends, well over 100 Scouts were able to go for the day.  The visit proved of great interest and the pleasure of meeting brother Scouts from every corner of the globe will never be forgotten.

On August 15th we had the pleasure of entertaining a party of Australian scouts on tour.  They were received in the Town Hall by the Deputy-Mayor, and after being shown round various places of interest they were entertained to lunch by our District Commissioner. Scoutmaster Tyson, for the Swimming Committee, reports a successful year. There were 18 night classes and the average attendance was 46 and a considerable number of Scouts learnt how to swim.  Ten Swimmer badges and three Rescuer have been gained.  The swimming gala, held on September 16th, was one of the best ever held.  During the summer three Scouters, two Rovers, and two Patrol Leaders have attended the Special Training Camp, at Blakeholme, on the Lake Windermere, under the skilled instruction of Capt. Michaelson, R.N.  This course is of immense value and it is hoped that a every Scouter will make an attempt to attend the course next year.  We are pleased to report that no less than 27 are entering for Part 1, (Theoretical) of the Wood Badge, an examination conducted by Imperial Headquarters. 

Since the official year end, September 30, 1929, two troops have been registered, viz.: the 1st Sandylands, and the 1st Carnforth, (Wesley). 


We are all exceedingly sorry to receive the resignation of our friend and secretary, Mr. J. Bishop, who has rendered the Scout Movement in Lancaster a very great service.  We are all grateful to him and I’m glad to hear he will still be with us, though not as secretary.

In conclusion we would again appeal to the men of Lancaster to come forward and give of their time and energy to their younger brothers.  There can be no finer work for the town, country and Empire on which they are citizens. There are hundreds of boys who need the friendship of an elder brother, if only the men will lead the way – it means sacrifice of time and energy, but the results repay a hundred fold.  

After the usual officers of the Association had been elected and a vote of thanks passed to our president and to the Mayor the meeting closed.