At Morecambe Scout Sports 1935
In the 20’s, 30’s and 40’s the then 1st Morecambe & Heysham Group appear to have been very active.
Morecambe Guardian 29 November 1924:
The 1st Morecambe Troop Boy Scouts connected with St. Barnabas’ Church, held a whist drive and dance at the Ambulance Hall on Wednesday evening.
Messrs. D and E. H. Harmsworth where the MC’s for whist, the winners being as follows: – (list)
One of the most attractive features of the dancing was the band which was organized and conducted by Bandsman H. Brinkman of the Band of the 2nd Gordon Highlanders, assisted by Bandsman A.E. Frinton (Band of the 2nd Gordon Highlanders).
The general arrangements were in the hands of Scoutmaster G. Whittle.
Morecambe Guardian 08 January 1927:
Service and Presentations to Chaplain.
On Sunday afternoon the 1st Morecambe Boy Scouts paraded to St. Laurence’s Church for the annual enrolment service and re-dedication of the colours by the Chaplain, Rev. C. P. Chambers.
There was a good number of people present, and the service was very impressive, it being the farewell Sunday of the Chaplain. The service was run in conjunction with the Sunday School Church Sunday Service, and was begun by the colours being presented at the altar by the Troop Colour Party: PL A. Cooper, flag bearer, PL R. Procter, Sec, A. Procter, Sec, G. Hillman, S.M. G. Whittles, and A.S.M. C. W. Harmsworth, who marched up the chancel and solemnly presented the colours to the Chaplain, and he laid them upon the altar.
The Chaplain gave some very good advice to the lads, and said how proud he felt that the troop had progressed so well since being organised at St. Laurence’s. He hoped that it would still continue to grow, and urged boys to join the Scouts, as in his opinion there was no other movement which held the same Christian spirit. When Baden Powell started the movement he was spiritually inspired.
After the address the Colour Party once again marched up the chancel and the Chaplain handed back the colours, then whilst still there at attention, the whole troop repeated the Scout Promise at the salute : !I promise on my honour to be loyal to God and the King, to help others at all times, and to obey the Scout Law.” The service concluded with the singing of the Scout hymn, “Fight the Good Fight.”
On Wednesday the troop held their annual Christmas party in the schoolroom. It commenced at 3 o’ clock, and there was a splendid tea at 4.30. This was a private party for the boys and friends, and about 50 attended and a happy time was spent. During the evening the Chaplain (Rev. C. P. Chambers) and Mrs. and Miss Chambers joined the happy throng. The troop took the opportunity of making a presentation. The Scoutmaster presented the Rev. C. P. Chambers with a silver-plated ink stand on behalf of the Troop Committee, and and Mrs. Locke presented Mrs. Chambers with a beautiful spray of white chrysanthemums from the Committee. Then PL R. Procter, going up to the Chaplain, saluted, and on behalf of the boys presented him with a picture (framed in oak and inscribed) of the Scout Tableau “If I were a boy again.” Sec. G. Hillman presented Mrs. Chambers with a lovely lace handkerchief and cushion cover.
The Scoutmaster, representing both the troop and Committee, expressed deep regret at losing such a valuable asset to the troop as the Rev. C. P. Chambers, as he knew that all the boys appreciated all that he had done for them. To him they owed the existence of a troop at St. Laurence’s. He hoped that when he went away he would remember that with the 1st Morecambe Boy Scouts there would always be both friendship and gratitude for his work.
In reply the Chaplain said he felt that he had really done very little, but he was glad that he had been given the opportunity of doing what he had done. He would never be able to forget the troop, for every time he sat down to write he would see the name of 1st Morecambe Boy Scouts on the inkstand before him, and the picture of the Scouts in his study. He once again asked all of the troop to stick together, and wished them the best of success.
Everyone stood and sang “The Church’s One Foundation,” which seemed the most appropriate hymn for such an occasion. The evening came to a close with singing the National Anthem.
Morecambe Guardian 13 August 1927:
The 1st Morecambe Company Boy Scouts (St. Laurence’s) have gone into camp near Kirkby Stephen, Westmorland, for a fortnight. Scoutmaster Whittles is in charge.
Morecambe Guardian 02 February 1929:
Fifty scouts and friends attended the Christmas party, arranged by the Ladies’ Committee, on January 11th. After games, the evening closed with a sing-song. At the annual dinner, on January 18th, given by the vice-president (Mr.W. Daniels) it was announced that the troop had severed its connection with St. Laurence’s Church.
Morecambe Guardian 09 February 1929:
We take the following from St. Laurence’s Church Magazine: “At the last meeting of the 1928 Parochial Church Council it was resolved and unanimously carried, that the Council should from that time disassociate itself from the financial control of the 1st Morecambe Boy Scouts.”
(See also Vicar and Scoutmaster at variance.)
Morecambe Guardian 03 August 1929:
Mr. George Whittles, Scoutmaster of the 1st Morecambe Boy Scouts, has been honoured with a notification from Sir Robert Baden-Powell, to attend a reception for veteran scouts with 18 years service, at Arrowe Park, Birkenhead, on Sunday, in connection with the great coming-of-age Jamboree.
Six members of the troop are at the Jamboree with Mr. Whittles, their names being, Troop Leader R. Procter, Patrol Leader A. Procter, Cub Leader A. Cooper, Patrol Leader M. McGregor, Patrol Leader J. Lea, and Scout F. Wood.
1939 – 1940
C-Cubs. S-Scouts. SS-Sea Scouts. R-Rovers.
Headquarters: Back Townley Street.
G.S.M.: G. Whittles, 9, Union Street.
S.M. : C. Harmsworth, 9, Union Street.
A.S.M.: *A. W. J. Antenen, 13, King Street.
A.S.M.: *G. Sunderland, 6, Park Street.
C.M.: C. Harmsworth, 9, Union Street.
A.C.M. A. Baxter, Dallam Avenue.
* On active war service
Morecambe Guardian 28 May 1949:
The 1st Morecambe troop have recently formed a wolf-cub pack which, from reports, is steadily increasing in numbers and becoming a useful section of the group. Cub-master is Mr. J. Nightingale, formerly of the 11th Morecambe, who hopes in the near future to attract another three recruits into the ranks and promote two of the cubs to sixers. He also would like one or two older boys to join him as assistant cub-masters.
George Whittles was born in Bradford 03 Aug 1893. In the 1911 census he was living at 15 Lower Rushton Road Thornbury, Bradford. In 1939 he is listed as a Painter & Decorator and single. George died in the local area in 1953.
Carl William Harmsworth was also born in Bradford 16 Oct 1907. In 1911 he was living at 27 Woodhall Terrace Bradford and in 1939, along with George Whittles, he is living at 9 Union Street, Morecambe. He is a Property Repairer and also single. Carl died in 1998 in York.
Lancashire Evening Post 18 September 1935:
Best tableaux on vehicle open: 1, St. John’s Church, Morecambe (May Queen); 2, Morecambe Boy Scouts (the Great Empire); 3, Carl Harmsworth (Lohengrin).
Albert Walter John Antenen was born 1904 in Lambeth. His father, Albert Antenen was born in 1873 in La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland. In 1911 he is at 91 Pelham Road, Wimbledon, Surrey. From newspaper articles Albert worked for Ribble Motor Services at their Lancaster office as a cash clerk in the early 1930’s. Albert died locally in 1970.
Morecambe Guardian 13 October 1928:-
At St. Laurence Church, Mr. Tony Antenen to Miss Laura Gorst.
The bridegroom, who is a member of the King’s Own Royal Regiment, wore its blue and gold uniform.
George William Sunderland was born in Halifax on 24 Oct 1884. In 1911 the family are living at 12 Wilson Street, Commercial Road, Halifax. In 1939 he is staying at 6 Park Street, Bare. He is listed as a Handyman at a hotel, widowed. George died locally in 1951.
A. Baxter, Dallam Avenue, would be related to Stanley Baxter, Cornwell Scout.
According to the minutes of the Morecambe L.A. Executive Committee dated 6 November 1945 “Mr. Carl Harmsworth told us of his Committee’s decision to close down and that the 1st Morecambe Group no longer existed.”
Another minute dated Nov 13 1947 states ” 1st Morecambe – the Secr. read a letter from Mr Antenen concerning his intention to revive the 1st Morecambe – his old Group – and enquiring about the property belonging to it. etc. etc.
It was proposed, seconded & carried that the new 1st Morecambe be an authorised Group.”
See also 1st Morecambe Troop 1951 and 1st Morecambe re-forms