We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife


Communications & Brand Guidelines


Who we are, what we do, how we look, how we talk

We are proud of our family of brands. While each is distinctive and important in its own right, they are all part of the wider family of Scouting and share the same values.

There are thousands of companies, charities and other organisations competing for attention. It is therefore essential that we have a clear, easily recognisable visual identity

Scout brand centre – https://scoutsbrand.org.uk/

Corporate logos:

District logos:


 Section logos:


facebook.com/LonsdaleScoutsTwitter_logo_blue_48 Twitter: @LonsdaleScoutsasset.find.us.on.facebook.lg


Primary colours
We use ten colours, plus black and white. The familiar purple will continue to be our primary colour.
The colours are best used alone, or in the pairs. 
They are vibrant, engaging and help bring our brand to life.
When using colour with an image, choose a colour from the palette that complements the image. Limit the number of colours used at a time and always use the correct colour breakdowns: CMYK and Pantone® for print and Hex # for digital.


Colours HEX RGB
Scout Purple #7413dc r116 g20 b220
Scout Teal #00a794 r0 g167 b148
Scout Red #e22e12 r226 g46 b18
Scout Green #23a950 r35 g169 b80
Scout Blue #006ddf r0 g110 b224
Scout Pink #ffb4e5 r255 g180 b229
Scout Navy #003982 r0 g58 b130
Scout Yellow #ffe627 r255 g230 b39
Scout Orange #ff912a r255 g145 b42
Forest Green #205b41 r32 g91 b 65

Support is available from the Lonsdale Comms Team