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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Crew Challenge Answered by Lonsdale Scouts

16th Morecambe - winners of the Crew Challenge 2011

Congratulations go to members from 16th Morecambe on an excellent performance and on gaining 1st place in this prestigious County-wide competition.

Up to 100 teams can sometimes take part in this exciting & enjoyable event.

The idea of the competition is for teams of 3 (from both Scouting and Guiding) to navigate around bases on Beacon Fell Country Park over a 3 hour period.

Each base earns the teams points which are totalled up to reveal the winners back at Waddecar campsite later in the afternoon. The bases are traditionally Scouting skill orientated, however in more recent years the organisers, the Waddecar Service Crew, has moved with the times and a few more modern practical skills have been thrown in.

Base examples include Knots, First Aid, Car Maintenance, Knife and Axe and DIY.

The weather on the day was perfect, after heavy rain the night before, and made for an all round enjoyable, interesting and absorbing event. Scouts from 1st Warton also took part in the challenge, having camped the night before at Waddecar campsite.

Lonsdale District Scouts