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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Galgate Boy Scouts

Lancashire Daily Post 27 January 1926



The funeral took place at Ellel Parish Church, Galgate, Lancaster, to-day, of Lady Edith Mabel Sanderson, wife of Sir Lancelot Sanderson, Ward House, Ellel, and Chief Justice of Bengal.

There was a large congregation at the service which preceded the interment. The vicar of Ellel, the Rev. F. Coleman, conducted the service, and was assisted by the Revs. C.T.R. Royds, of Heysham, and F. Prince, of Cockerham. The hymns, “Lead, Kindly Light,” “Abide with Me,” and ” Onward Christian Soldiers,” were sung by the choir and congregation, and the last rites at the graveside were performed by the Rev. F. Coleman.

The service was attended by a large gathering of villagers, and the Galgate troop of Boy Scouts, to whom the dear lady had been a sincere friend, walked immediately behind the coffin in the procession from the church to the graveyard.

(list of family mourners)

Others present included Sir Norval Helme, Mr. T. W. Helme, Lancaster etc. etc.

(list of floral tributes) – includes First Ellel Girl Guides, Galgate Boy Scouts.