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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

GSL, Galgate Scout Group

Appointment of Group Scout Leader: Galgate Scout Group

As our newest Group in Lonsdale, Galgate has had a fantastic start! I am grateful to every member of the team who has ensured that the first year has been one where young people have benefited from Scouting in their community. It is time to prepare for the future…

Effective immediately, I have appointed Darren Phillips as Acting Group Scout Leader (GSL) at Galgate Scout Group. Darren is a successful and experienced GSL at 23rd Lancaster, and is looking forward to getting to know the leadership team at Galgate to be able to offer greater support. He is planning on visiting you all this week and, next, to get to know you all. I am very grateful to Darren for taking on this additional appointment.

Darren’s initial priorities will be:

  • To work with Pat Griffin (Training Administrator), and all members of the leadership team to review the training needs of the Group.
  • Establish a termly leaders’ meeting to enable the leadership team to share ideas and plan some whole Group activities.
  • Work with Steve Clarke (District Treasurer) to establish a bank account for the Group – Steve, Darren and I will be coming to the Group on the 6th February to start the ball rolling with this.
  • Work with Barbara Hughes (County Development Officer) to establish a Group Executive Committee to support the fundraising and management of the group.
  • Work with Barbara Hughes and the District Scout Team to establish the new Scout Section. 

As ever, there is a lot to do, and I think it’s a really exciting time to be part of the Group. 

Thank you all at Galgate for your part in the success of the Group, and I wish you a wonderful year of Scouting in 2018.   
With Best Wishes,

Craig Dewar
District Commissioner