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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

GSL Vacancy 2nd B-le-Sands

To: All Adult Members 

Dear Leader / Supporter

Group Scout Leader (GSL) Vacancy at 2nd Bolton Le Sands Scout Group

Debra Thackrah resigned, with immediate effect, from the role of Group Scout Leader in January. It is now time to look to the future, to appoint a Group Scout Leader who can ensure that they build on the work the leaders have begun and ensure the group continues to go from strength to strength.

The GSL appointment is a District appointment and I would now like to start the search process for the Group Scout Leader role. You will appreciate that it is important to have the right person in this role who is acceptable to both members of the Group and the District.

I have enclosed a nomination form along with a role description. This factsheet may initially appear to be somewhat daunting, but it really isn’t, and contains information about the role and the process. The role is primarily that of management and you will see from the role description that it isn’t essential to have experience of volunteering in the Scout movement. Please focus your attention on the skills of the person you wish to nominate, rather than whether you think they will be available to take on the role. At this stage, we are looking to generate a list of possible candidates, so that we can approach them and discuss what is involved and whether they would be able to help. Self nominations are also welcome.

Please do give this serious consideration as I’m sure, like me, you wish to see the Group’s excellent reputation and success continue in the years to come. I would be grateful if you could return your completed nomination form to me by the 20th April 2017.

Should you wish to have an informal chat about the role, or about someone you feel may be suitable for the role then please feel free to contact me. 
T: 07851 798525 E: craigdewar@icloud.com

With best wishes,

District Commissioner

2nd BLS GSL Pack

Lonsdale District Scouts