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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Skerton Gang Show 1943

Lancaster Guardian, Friday 21 May 1943


A successful and enjoyable Scout and Guide Gang Show at Skerton Central School on Thursday was produced by Scoutmaster W. Rutherford with Troop-leader A. Leach as compere. The programme consisted of vocal items folk dancing sketches, comedy acts. The proceeds were in aid of the Boy Scout War Distress Fund and the Baden Powell Memorial Fund. Those represented in the show were the 4th, 13th, 16th, 21st, Lancaster troops; the 1st, 3rd, 15th, 16th Guide companies, and the 1st Lancaster Sea Rangers. During the interval Troop-leader A. Leach, on behalf of the 21st Lancaster Sea Scouts presented to County Commissioner T. W. Helme, a shield to be competed for at the Association’s annual sports on July 3rd. The pianists for the Gang Show were Messrs. Lee and Beckett.


A party of about 60 including Sea Rangers turned out for the cycle run on Sunday. After attending an Empire Youth service at Garstang and having had lunch, the cyclists continued to Knott End and Fleetwood, accompanied by Garstang Scouts. These cycle runs are becoming exceedingly popular. The next outing is to Grange on June 27th.


It was like old times at the 13th Lancaster Rover Den at Littledale on Sunday. Rovers Hayton, Wareing, Jones, Wilkinson and Rover-Leader T. W. Helme were present along with eight Rovers now in the Ser­vices: Peter Woods, J. Digiden, Arthur Barlow, Tony Woods, J. Heseltine – (All in the Royal Navy), Maurice Sharpe, R.A.F. and Don Bentley R.A.C.


Rev. E. W. Rees David, new curate at St. Chad’s was welcomed by Scoutmaster H. L. Wareing and the boys of the 24th Lancaster (St. Chad’s) troop last week – AKELA