We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Getting Started At Home

Getting Started @Home

Don’t worry, you can still do your Getting Started Training, even if you are stuck at home (or work)!

Below are links to the Online Training units you need to do for Getting Started, plus links to helpful resources to help you in your Scouting.

If you do not have a copy of the Yellow Card (Young People First), please email darren.phillips@lonsdalescouts.org.uk with your postal address, and we will get one to you as soon as we can.


Darren Phillips
Local Training Manager

Module 1: Essential Information

Topics covered:
•    the Fundamentals of Scouting
•    structure and Support 
•    safety in Scouting
•    safeguarding- child protection
•    safeguarding- anti-bullying

Complete the online learning at https://members.scouts.org.uk/training_module/essential_info_16102014/

When you have finished, screenshot, photograph or print and copy the certificate and forward it to training@lonsdalescouts.org.uk.

Since this module includes your introductory Safety and Safeguarding, please don’t wait to finish off all of the other modules before sending your certificate to us. Please send it straight away. Thank you.

You also need to complete this Associated Reading

The Promise FS322016

Our Fundamentals explained in detail for trainers FS140099

Safe Scouting and what to do in an Emergency card (Purple Card)

Safety checklist for leaders

Safety checklist for managers

Safety: Practical Tips (FS320012)

Activities: Risk Assessment (FS120000)

In Touch (FS120075)

Young People First: Code of Practice (Yellow Card)

Stay Safe: Young People’s Guide to Staying Safe Online (section-specific for Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers)

Social media guidance

Module 3: Tools For The Role (Section Leaders)

This module is for Section Leaders, Assistant Leaders, Section Assistants and those involved in running Scouting Activities on a regular basis. If you are in one of these roles you should do the learning here and skip Module 4.

Topics covered:
* Features of the section
* Roles with in the section
* Using activities and games
* Youth shaped Scouting
* Promoting positive behaviour

Complete the online learning at https://members.scouts.org.uk/training_module/141209_ken14082_m05_r1166/#/id/co-05

When you have finished, screenshot, photograph or print and copy the certificate and forward it to training@lonsdalescouts.org.uk.

Module 4: Tools For The Role (Managers and Supporters)

This module is for Group Scout Leaders and those in a management or support role within the district and is instead of Module 3.

Topics covered:
* Role responsibilities and responsibilities of those they line manage or work closely with
* Six areas of leadership and management
* Managing time and personal skills
* Ensuring quality programme

Complete the online learning at https://members.scouts.org.uk/training_module/141205_ken14081_m05_r1157/#/id/co-05

When you have finished, screenshot, photograph or print and copy the certificate and forward it to training@lonsdalescouts.org.uk.

Module 5: The Fundamentals of Scouting

Topics covered:
* The Fundamentals- the Purpose, Values and Method
* The Religious Policy
* Spiritual development

Complete the online learning at https://members.scouts.org.uk/training_module/scouts-fundamentals-04-06-14/#/menu/m05

When you have finished, screenshot, photograph or print and copy the certificate and forward it to training@lonsdalescouts.org.uk.

You also need to complete this Associated Reading

Rise to the Challenge: Exploring spiritual development in Scouting (PDF)

Module 6: Changes In Scouting

Please go to: https://members.scouts.org.uk/supportresources/3026/06-changes-in-scouting

Download the workbook and watch the video.

To complete this module, download and fill in the Changes In Scouting Quiz and forward it to training@lonsdalescouts.org.uk


All roles in Scouting are required to do the online GDPR learning.

Complete the online training at https://members.scouts.org.uk/training_module/GDPRwithcertificate/#/

When you have finished, screenshot, photograph or print and copy the certificate and forward it to training@lonsdalescouts.org.uk.

This complete the requirements for Getting Started and also covers your introductory Safety and Safeguarding Training.

Lonsdale District Scouts