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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Master F. Gardner – Obituary

Lancaster Guardian 12 June 1942:

Obituary of the Week

Master F. Gardner.

The funeral took place on Monday at Lancaster Cemetery, following a service at the Priory and Parish Church, Lancaster, of Master Frank Gardner, sixteen-years-old only son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gardner, of the Boundary Inn, Lancaster, whose death was reported in last week’s Guardian.  The service was conducted by the Bishop of Lancaster, Rt. Rev. Benjamin Pollard, assisted by the Rev. C. R. Ridley, who also officiated at the graveside.  At the Church there were present Mr. J. Dodds Drummond, Headmaster of the Friends School and senior boys from the school together with representatives of various Scouting organisations with which Frank had been associated.  Frank was Captain of the Friends School and an exceedingly popular boy with all who came in contact with him, either through his school, athletic or Scouting organisations. He had an outstanding scholastic career, having gained his School Certificate and he was destined for the teaching profession .  Amongst many letters of sympathy which Mr. and Mrs. Gardner have received are those from County Ald. T. W. Helme, Assistant Commissioner of Scouting; Mr. W. Thompson (Chief Constable); Ald. I. J. Curwen, and many others.

The chief mourners were Mr. and Mrs. A. Gardner, parents; (list follows)

Floral tributes were from: Mum and Dad; (long list), Sixth form and Prefects Friends School; Sam Cooke (“For many good deeds to an invalid scout”); from all his friends at the Friends School; all who taught him at the Friends School;  20th Lancaster Scouts; 21st Lancaster Sea Scouts; 

Lonsdale District Scouts