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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Morecambe Scouting Founder Dies

White Lund Filling Factory



The first man to form a Troop of Scouts in Morecambe, died on Sunday.

Mr. Arthur Peel, of 41, Lordsome Road, Morecambe, inaugurated the first troop soon after coming to Morecambe in 1910, and has since then, devoted a great deal of his life in its interest. Through serving his country during the Great War, at the Lancaster Munition Factory (see photo above), Mr. Peel was forced to temporarily retire from the leadership of his troop, but renewed his work later and at the time of his death was Group Scoutmaster of the 3rd Morecambe and Heysham Troop.

The interest taken in Scouting by Mr. Peel, has induced the rest of his family to take it up and now his son Norman is a Scoutmaster, Stanley, a Rover Scout and his daughter Marion, is Lady Cubmaster of the 3rd Morecambe company, and his grandson a cub.

Before coming to Morecambe Mr. Peel was in business in Bradford as a hairdresser, and on coming to Morecambe he took a hairdresser’s shop at the Battery corner, but latterly, his occupation was poultry farming.

Mr. Peel was well known in the Anglican Church, attending St. John’s Church regularly.

The funeral took place on Wednesday,  the service at the Church being conducted by the Rev. D. C. Kennedy.



Mr. Arthur Peel, who died on Sunday at his residence, 41, Lordsome Road, at the age of 52 years, was the pioneer of scouting in Morecambe.

He inaugurated the first troop shortly after coming to Morecambe in 1910, and has fostered the movement until it has grown to its present flourishing state.

During the War he was forced to relinquish the leadership of the troop owing to pressure of work at the Lancaster Munition Factory. After the War he again took an active interest in the movement and at the time of his death was Group Scoutmaster of the 3rd Morecambe and Heysham Troop.

All his family are connected with scouting, his son Norman being a Scoutmaster, Stanley is a Rover Scout, his daughter Marion, is Lady Cubmaster of the 3rd Morecambe, and his grandson is a Cub. His wife, to whom sympathy will be extended, also takes the deepest interest in the Scouts’ progress.

Mr. Peel was formerly in business as a hair-dresser at the Battery Corner, but latterly he had taken up poultry farming at Sandylands. He was well-known in Bradford, where he had previously carried on the hair-dressing business. His activity in sports of all kinds was well known, and he never tired of inculcating into others a love of clean, open-air sports. He often rode with the Bradford Wanderers Cycling Club, of which he had been a member for many years.

A staunch Anglican, he was a member of St. Bartholemew’s Church, Bowling, Bradford, and at Morecambe was a regular worshipper at St. John’s.

His passing will be widely mourned by many in this district, for he was willing to aid any cause, and a proficient and popular Scoutmaster.

The funeral takes place to-day (Wednesday), the service at St. John’s commencing at 2 p.m. Mr. J. Schofield, Hampton Road. is the funeral director.



Scouts’ Tribute

Funeral of Scout Master A. Peel.

Coming in many cases from camps where they were spending the holiday week, and in others breaking their holidays short, Boy Scouts and Girl Guides attended the funeral of the late Group Scout Master Arthur Peel, on Wednesday afternoon, at St. John’s Church. Mr. Peel’s death, at the age of 52 years, at his residence, 41, Lordsome Road, Sandylands, was reported in the “Visitor” last week.

The Scouts, with their officers, numbered nearly 100, and they formed an impressive tribute. When the cortege left the house, the boys in their uniforms, carrying their respective group flags, lined the path. At church they formed into a guard of honour for the coffin to be borne between their ranks.

After the service the Scouts accompanied the cortege to Heysham New Cemetery. As they stood at the alert in the pouring rain, round the graveside they made a striking picture.

The casket was draped in the green fleur-de-lys embroidered flag of the 3rd (Sandylands) Scout Troop, of which Mr. Peel was the Group Scout Master. The bearers were four Rover Scouts, Jack Tanner. Sydney Newcome, Norman Gatfleld. Stanley Hughes, and two Scouts, John Sutcliffe and Fielding Izatt.

Mr. Peel was a pioneer of local scouting and all his family are connected with the movement.

Rev. D. C. Kennedy (Vicar of St.  John’s) in a panegyric, paid tribute to the work done by Mr. Peel for the Scouts, and said he was a man who had done great good in the district and one who would not be quickly forgotten. Rev. J. Egerton Ward (Vicar of St. Laurence’s) said the prayers. The lesson was read by Mr. Frank King (lay reader of the Heysham Harbour Mission Church). The hymn “Hark my Soul,” which was Mr. Peel’s favourite, and the psalm “The Lord is my Shepherd.” were sung during the service.

The chief mourners were: Mrs. Peel (wife); Mr. Norman and Miss Marion Peel (son and daughter); Mr. and Mrs. S. Peel (son and daughter-in-law) and grandson Harry; Mrs. Woodford (sister): Mr. H. Ainley (brother-in-law); Mr. and Mrs. J. Procter (uncle and aunt); Mr. and Mrs. J. Peel (uncle and aunt); Mrs. Jones (aunt); Mr. and Mrs. William Peel (cousins); Mr. and Mrs. Bakes, Morecambe: Miss Henderson (friend); Mr. J. Sly (chairman of the Morecambe and Heysham Boy Scouts’ Association); Mr. F. Clayton (member of the Morecambe and Heysham Boy Scouts Executive Committee); 3rd Morecambe and Heysham Group (Sandylands); representatlves from the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 7th, and 8th Morecambe and Heysham Boy Scout Groups: South Lonsdale District Rover Scouts Association; Lancaster and District Boy Scouts Association; 4th Lancaster Rover Scouts; 12th Lancaster Group; 1st Heysham G.F.S. Rangers.

Among the many beautiful wreaths, in addition to those from relatives and  friends, were tributes from: St. John’s Young People’s Church; The Girls at Claytons; From 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th Morecambe and Heysham Boy Scouts Groups And Officers; Morecambe and Heysham Boy Scouts Association; Lancaster and District Boy Scouts Association; Lancaster Rover Scouts; 4th Lancaster Boy Scouts; 3rd Heysham  G.F.S. Rangers.

Mr. J. Schofield, Hampton Road, had charge of the funeral arrangements.