We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Nights Away Guidance & Forms

Permit application forms should be emailed to the Nights Away Adviser at  alan.hague@lonsdalescouts.org.uk


The District Commissioner (or nominee) must be provided with basic information about all overnight activities involving Members before a nights away event takes place.

The notification form provides the information a Commissioner requires to APPROVE an event to take place (i.e. POR 9.1b/9.1c). The Permit holder is responsible for ensuring that the appropriate Commissioner is informed about each Colony, Pack, Troop, or Unit attending a nights away event (even a District or County event).

Notification should include all the information required on the Notification form. by using the on-line form available.  Notification should be made by the event organiser.

In the case of Beaver Scout or Cub Scout events, at least seven days notice is required. Less notice is permitted for Scout, Explorer Scout or Scout Network events, but the aim should be to give about one week’s notice.

Fact sheet on Family Camps here

Fact sheet on Going Abroad with Scouting

Helpful information from Scouting+ (May 2016)

The ultimate guide to Nights Away

With camping season fast approaching, we’ve put together this guide to all things Nights Away! Take a look at the links below to find out everything you need to know about running the ultimate camping trip for your section.