We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Recognition for Lonsdale’s Explorers

Last week Explorer Scouts from Lonsdale were presented with their Chief
Scout’s Platinum and also Diamond Awards at a ceremony at UCLAN’s Westleigh
Conference Centre in Preston. 

In order to achieve this prestigious awards, the Explorer Scouts, all aged
between 14-18 years must complete an expedition, learn a skill, give service
to their community and undertake a number of residential experiences, some
have also completed their Bronze or Silver D of E as part of the process. 

The Awards were presented by Carl Hankinson (West Lancs. Scouts County
Commissioner) and the Leader of Lancashire County Council, Geoff Driver.

County Councillor Geoff Driver said, “It is a pleasure and honour presenting
these Awards. In preparation for this event I looked up what you had to do
and you give so much to your community. You do a credit to yourself and take
the experience into your future.”

Proud Parents and Leaders marked the end of the Award Ceremony with
rapturous applause.

The awardees were:

Joe Harries, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
Edwards Letcher, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
Sonja Lockton, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
David F Lyde, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
John Walker, Castleton, Lonsdale

Eleanor Alpin, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
Matthew Alpin, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
Matthew Edge, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
James Harries, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
Sam Letcher, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
Jonty Moeckell, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
Jack Walker, Silverhelme, Lonsdale
James Walker, Castleton, Lonsdale