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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Scouting Notes – Helme Shield

Lancaster Guardian 19 August 1938:

Mr. Newsham’s Sellerley Farm, Conder Green is the site chosen for the Cubmaster’s camp during the weekend August 27th–28th. Will those who intend camping, please inform Mrs. Sugden, 29, Newlands Avenue, Lancaster, by Tuesday next, August 23rd?
The swimming season seems assured of an attractive finale, for in addition to the annual gala which is fixed for October 11th, there will be this year, the first annual competition for the N.W. Lancashire County Swimming Shield presented by the District Commissioner. The competition will take place at the Cable Street Baths on Tuesday, Sept. 27th, commencing at 7.45 p.m., and is open to Associations within the N.W. Lancashire Scout County, embracing Preston, Barrow, Morecambe, and the Fylde. Teams will consist of sixteen swimmers, comprising juniors (Scouts under 16 on Sept. 30th, 1938) and seniors (Scouts and Rovers over 16 on that date.) There will be neat diving, breast stroke, freestyle, backstroke and squadron race events for juniors and seniors. Entries close on or before Sept. 13th, when each Association should notify names to Mr. J. Cole, 9 Beechfield Terrace, Lancaster, who will gladly supply any further information.
So far as Lancaster is concerned, the representative team will be chosen by our Swimming Committee on Tuesday, Sept. 6th. All troops are asked to send scouts to the Cable Street baths at 7.45 p.m. when a minor competition will be held.