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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Scouts’ Gala at Kingsway Baths

Lancaster Guardian 28 September 1951

A BIG Scouting event was the seventh annual competition for the Helme Shield on Saturday evening, when Scouts from five North West County associations competed at the Kingsway Baths. Preston were the winners for the third successive year and they were closely challenged by Lancaster and Blackpool.

Among the spectators were County Commissioner and Mrs. J. D. Drummond; District Commisssioner Mr. H. Todd; Lieut. Col. R. Ord, J.P. (D.C. for Preston; Mr. T. G. Gregson, A.C.C. (T.); and ADC’s Messrs. R. E. Wright (Lancaster); T. S. Watson (Morecambe) W. Fazackerley (Preston) and D.S.M. Barnes (Blackpool.

A varied programme gave competitors and exhibition swimmers an opportunity to display their prowess. Some interesting and exciting swimming was witnessed. Exhibitions included a one-width squadron race by five Lancaster Cubs, a repeat performance by Scout Leslie Alderson (11) of the Salvation Army Troop, Morecambe, of the tests for the swimming badge, and two lengths back-stroke by Andrew Calkeld, a promising young pupil of Miss Shipley, of the Lancaster A.S.C.

Commissioner’s Tribute.

Presenting the Helme Shield, County Commissioner Drummond spoke of the fine Scouting spirit prevailing throughout the North West.

After the enthusiastic “Bravo” for the winners (Rover T. Dean and Senior Scout K. O’Melia received the Shield) Mr. Drummond paid tribute to the smaller associations, Morecambe and Fleetwood, who came along gallantly each year to compete against the “toughs” of Preston, Lancaster and Blackpool.

District Commissioner Todd thanked the members of Lancaster A.S.C. — Messrs. H. Gunningham (starter), C. Morris, R. Harrison, R. Keefe (judges), R. Simpson (announcer) – whose presence had ensured the smooth running of the gala. G.S.M. B. Toole and Mr. J. Denwood were the recorders. Competitors and officials were later entertained by the Lancaster Scout Swimming Committee. In charge of refreshments were Mesdames Hull, H. Hall, and J. Hall.

Recent awards are: T. R. Townley (cords), E. Hall (first-class), W. Airey, A. Johnson, E. Hall (firemen), K. Procter (tenderfoot and swimming).