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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Miscellaneous 1937

Lancaster Guardian 01 October 1937



The Somerset air is doing Mr. Neate a world of good. You will be glad to hear he is very much improved in health.

The same good wishes we extend to Scoutmaster Maddison (“George”), of Abbeystead, Mr. Woodhouse, of Caton, and Scouts Hodgson and Ferrington of the 6th Lancaster (Greaves), all of whom are at present in the Royal Infirmary. We hope to welcome them back to active service ere long.

Sixer Alfred Bewes of the 15th Lancaster (Baptist) was presented with his second proficiency star on Monday.

To Mr. and Mrs. Harold Popay (nee Robertson), remembered for their valued services to the 4th and 14th Lancaster Cub Packs, we send our very best wishes on the occasion of their marriage at the Priory and Parich Church on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Popay are to reside in Barrow.

Scouters and Rovers who are taking part in the pageant on Saturday are asked by the District Commissioner to assemble at Springfield Hall, please.