We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

What does the executive committee do?

Executive Committee members are charity trustees and are responsible to the Group Council for the effective management of the Group. They address all aspects of good stewardship and it is a role not to be taken on lightly.

There are reasons why a person may be ineligible to hold the position of a charity trustee. The Group Chair needs to be assured that everyone who is invited or offers to become a trustee is eligible.

The Committee is responsible for looking after the Group’s:

  • legal issues (Charity issues, property deeds, insurance, DBS checks, etc.)
  • Finances (Accounts, budgeting, cash flow, investments, etc.)
  • Records (Minutes, correspondence, accounts, etc.).

The Group Scout Leader nominates the Group Chair (although it is a good idea to sound out other members of your leader teams as to whom you wish to appoint) and work closely with them to manage the Group’s affairs.

The Executive is responsible for ensuring that the sections have the necessary equipment, resources, materials and funds to provide an exciting and vibrant programme, This includes ensuring there are adequate numbers of adults to run the sections so Adult Recruitment & Retention is very much the Executive’s responsibility.

Who is who?
Membership of the Executive Committee is determined by the Group Council at the Group’s Annual General Meeting. The Group Scout Leader can nominate members, others can be elected by the Group Council and others can be co-opted.

At the Annual General Meeting the Council needs to also elect a Secretary and Treasurer.

All members of the Executive Committee are there to represent the interests of the young people and sections.

Other roles can be created as the Executive sees fit on a permanent or temporary basis. for example:

  • minibus manager
  • hall manager
  • quartermaster
  • recruitment champion
  • media manager
  • fete manager
  • fundraiser
    and so on.

The Executive can also establish sub‐committees for specific purposes such as fund raising, Group camp, activities, hall, building, etc.

District and County Chairs and Commissioners have right of attendance at Executive meetings, but unless invited specially or there are major difficulties, it is unlikely anyone would attend unannounced.

Doing its Job:
The Executive committee will need to meet regularly to discuss issues to plan for the development of the Group; 4 to 6 times a year is a good average.

The Group Chair will manage these meetings and work to an agenda. A key skill needed by your Chair will be the ability to run effective meetings.

The agenda for meetings will depend on what issues are affecting the Group. Fundraising and equipment are often high on the agenda and rightly so if it is a priority for the Group.

Deciding what needs to be discussed should result from the Group’s development plan. This is the documented plan which the Executive uses to know:

  • what it needs to be doing
  • by when
  • by whom
  • how it will know it has got there
  • where it is at the moment.

Having such a plan facilitates running the meetings because you will know what you need to discuss. You can devise a plan for your Group using our Group Health Check tool.

Sub‐committees can reduce the core workload of the Executive. For example, the fund raising sub-committee can have a representative on the Executive and can report on its progress, meetings and planned events. Which means the Executive meeting does not have to concern itself with the detail of any fundraising.

Members of the Group Executive need to understand their role as charity trustees and their responsibilities. All Executive Committee Members are required to complete training modules Essential Information and Trustee Introduction. and GDPR awareness

Lonsdale District Scouts