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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

B-P – Lecture at the Polytechnic

Naval And Military Intelligence.

The Times (London, England), Friday, Dec 06, 1907


Major-General, Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell, in formal uniform as a general officer – 1912

Lieut.-Gen. R. S. S.  Baden-Powell, C.B., gave an interesting lecture at the Regent Street Polytechnic last evening on boy scouts and scouting. The lecture, which was illustrated by numerous lantern slides, was both instructive and amusing, and the lecturer had a very cordial reception from the large audience. He said it would be better for everyone in this country if more was known about peace scouting. It afforded most interesting work for adults and fascinating amusement for boys. There were many similarities between our own country and the old Roman empire, and we should be warned against falling into the errors which brought about the fall of the latter. Ancient Rome had municipal councils who ran up the rates and squabbled over party politics. First they had free food for children, and then free food for the adults, as a result of which in the time of decay the people would not work, and even paid others to play their games. As for himself he would rather play football than pay to see a game played by professionals. The Roman soldiers became puny and weak and we should take care that ours maintained their strength. Our peace scouting was done by missionaries, engineers, and explorers who opened up new tracts of country to civilisation. We should train the rising generation in scouting; it would make our boys self reliant and chivalrous. The boy scouts at Mafeking had proved invaluable in the siege, and the 101 things the scout ought to know a boy could easily learn in this country. He showed several pictures illustrating the way in which boys were trained so as to act promptly and well in cases of emergency, and said that the holder of the Albert medal deserved as much honor as the winner of the Victoria cross.