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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Sea Scouts Aboard the Ketch “Alpha”

Morecambe Guardian 30 April 1949

Sea Scouts Staged Practical Sea Tests Aboard the Ketch “Alpha”

The 8th Morecambe Sea Scouts held an instructional weekend on board the “Alpha”. This included the manning of the lifeboat, kedgeing the ship inshore and general seamanship. During Easter weekend, the troop held an exhibition of naval equipment on board ship, which realized £3, which the scouts handed over to the Alpha crew.


It’s those scouts again! Senior Scouts Harris and and Crabtree of the 8th Morecambe and Heysham Sea Scouts returned home on Saturday after cycling 790 miles during the week to Devon and Cornwall. They left Morecambe on Easter Saturday and made their first stop at Coventry. They were fortunate in having ideal weather throughout the trip with only three rain showers and could have easily managed without their mackintosh capes. This is the first long distance ride they have made this year, but as last year, they’re planning long distance weekend runs.


Boy Scouts and girl Guides held a church parade last Sunday, in honour of St. George’s day and as a memorial tribute to their founder Lord Baden Powell. Meeting at the town hall they marched to Bare Methodist church headed by the band of the Sea Cadets. At the church the flags were received by Assistant District Commissioner S. J. W. Catterall with District Scoutmaster Watson, and Association Secretary Mr. M Melling, and the service was conducted by Mr. Catterall who also spoke on the Scout Law and the Promise.

The parade was well attended by Scouts, Wolf Cubs, Guides, Brownies and parents. Also present were the new scout District Commissioner Dr. C. V. Stevenson, and the Guides District Commissioner, Mrs. J McCall.

Scouts achievement


Five scout troops and two cub packs raised £71.8d for Headquarters by their bob a job week. Heading the list is the 5th with a total of £40. 10s: 4th Sea Scouts, £11. 15s; 11th, £10. 2s; 16th, £2 18s 6d; 1st £2. 14s 6d; cubs, 3rd pack, £1. 12s 7d;  7th, £1. 8s 1d.

Individual members who have collected outstanding sums are 1st Class Scout Patrol leader Woods £4. 1s and John Stamper of the 7th cubs, £1. 4s. Presentation of certificates given by Mr. Dick Blacklock, the new President, were made on Thursday evening at the bandstand.

Assistant District Commissioner Mr. S. J. W. Catterall said if every area has done as well as you have then the finances of Headquarters are safe for a few years. Chairman Mr. F. O. Ames pointed out that any undertaking like the bob a job week depended entirely upon scouts and cubs. The officers of the Association arranged the projects and Scouters got the thing running, but everything connected with scouting, whatever it was, depended for the last issue on the scouts and the cubs. You may think that your part has been small but whatever it is, whether a bob a job week or anything else connected with scouting or with life at all, always remember to do it well.

As a result of your efforts last week the Association will be able to go forward during the year knowing not only have we got the scouts and cubs but also the funds. It is very encouraging to see  scouting is going ahead in the town. During the war when all the scouters were away we had a very mean time but we have now got over that period. I want all the scouts and cubs to do their utmost to back the scouters up, and give your patrol leaders and scoutmasters all the support you can.