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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Lancaster Annual Meeting 1930

Garstang – a “no man’s land”?! Carnforth a hotbed!

Read on . . .



Remarkable progress in all departments of scout work was reported at the 21st annual meeting of the Lancaster Boy Scouts’ Association in the Banquetting Chamber on Monday evening, when District Scout Commissioner T. W. Helme presided, in the absence of  Ald. J. T. Travis Clegg . He was supported by Assistant Commissioner R. E. Wright, Dr J. A. Tomb, Mr F. G. T. Adams, Miss Bardsley, Girl Guides’ Commissioner, and scoutmasters and officials of the various troops in the group.


The CHAIRMAN spoke of the Blackpool Jamboree, and the success which had attended it. Good results had been noted from the formation of the County Scouts’ Council, which stipulated the areas covered by the various associations. There was a blank area about Garstang, for as far as scouting was concerned, Garstang was a “no man’s land,” and it was their hope to see an association formed there.
They had a training camp at Blakeholme, where Capt. C. H. Michaelson was stationed as an instructor. The increase in their association  was, in proportion, ahead of any other they had known, but he wanted to stress the need for scoutmasters. There had been an improvement in this respect, however, during this year, The Morecambe association was now a separate organisation, and although this meant a decrease in their numbers, collectively they were larger. There had been many men showing an interest in Morecambe, and as far as scoutmasters were concerned, Morecambe were one up.


The SECRETARY, in his annual report, stated that the movement had shown great improvement in efficiency as well as in numbers, and the association had never been in such a strong position. The September returns showed that the association controlled 16 groups, made up of 16 scout troops, three Rover crews, and 8 Wolf Cub packs. In all ranks, there was a total of 581, this being made up of 44 Scouters, 40 Rover Scouts, 335 Scouts, 20 Sea Scouts and 142 Wolf Cubs. This showed an increase of five groups, 21 Scouters, 21 Rover Scouts, 97 Scouts and 75 Wolf Cubs, a total of 215. The third Morecambe troop had been disbanded, but the 1st Sandylands, 1st and 2nd Carnforth, 4th and 6th Lancaster were new troops to the association. Since the returns had been scheduled, however, a local association had been formed at Morecambe, and the five Morecambe groups would in future be counted with the Morecambe association and not with Lancaster.
The Badge Secretary’s report showed that during the year 225 proficiency badges had been issued. Of these the 13th Lancaster gained 74, 12th Lancaster 50, 2nd Morecambe 22, 14th Lancaster 21, 1st Carnforth 21, 9th Lancaster 15, 4th Lancaster 10, 1st Ellel 7, 6th Lancaster, 11th Lancaster and 1st Sandylands one each. Special badges won were 11 first class, 8 King’s Scout, 7 green and yellow cords, 5 red and white cords, 2 gold cords, and 2 bushman’s thongs. Fifteen of these had been gained by the 13th Lancaster, 10 by the 4th Lancaster, 7 by the 12th Lancaster, and 3 by the 6th Lancaster. The seven favourite badges in order were ambulance 48, missioner 27, cyclist 25, friend to animals 22, handyman 22, waterworks 16, and pathfinder 10. The accounts showed that badges to the value of £26 9s 2d. had been sold, and that there was cash in hand of £1 10s 2d., cash at headquarters of £4 1s 7d., and badges in stock £6 19s 11d. This showed a nett increase on the previous year of £2. Scoutmaster Tyson reported that the swimming had been successful. The North-west Lancashire county rally at Blackpool had been the great attraction of the year, for besides the presence of the Chief Scout himself, and other headquarters officials, it was the first North-west county rally to be held. According to returns sent in by the transport secretary, Assistant-Scoutmaster J. Naylon; 250 from the Lancaster association attended the rally. During the year Scout-master Derrick and Cubmaster Compston had been successful in gaining the wood badge. In the association, only four  out of 44 scouters were entitled to wear this badge, but if a training camp had been held at Blakeholme during the year, there is no doubt that the number would have been considerably augmented, as at least 15 had successfully passed for part 1 (theory). Captain C. H. Michaelson, deputy county commissioner for training, held a preliminary training course for scouters during the winter, followed by a week end camp in summer, and as he had visited the district on many occasions to give talks and help to the various groups. Cubbing in the district was in a flourishing state, the numbers having risen by 78, whilst there are 6 new packs. Carnforth had become a hotbed of the movement, and Morecambe, with an association of its own, had two new packs. Seventy cubs went to Blackpool to the North-west Lancashire rally. The association was greatly indebted to District Cubmaster Marshall for his cheery and capable work amongst the cub packs. The scout section has shown very steady progress. Preparations for the rally and display at Blackpool  kept the scouts and their scouters busy. Six patrol leaders from different troops attended a special week end training camp at Blakeholme, and returned with a very enthusiastic report. The Rover scouts had shown considerable activity. At the great Rover Scout Moot at Auchengillan, the association was represented by seven Rover Scouts. A very successful week end was attended by most of the rovers at the district rover camp at Halton in August, when Dr. Henderson Chief Scout’s Commissioner paid them a visit. All three rover crews had entered teams for the hike shield  and the standard of efficiency was very high. Captain Michaelson was the judge, and awarded the shield to the 1st Sandylands crew. Week end hikes have been numerous, and almost all rovers are now performing service jobs. During the year, six rovers have been grated warrants. It was with great regret they had to record the resignation of Group Scoutmaster Malham of the 13th Lancaster Group, on leaving the district. They were grateful to their district commissioner, who as headquarters representative, had made each group feel that it was part of a happy family. To his untiring efforts were due, in a great measure, the present forward move of their association, and the cultivation of the scout spirit, which was so essential to true success.


The accounts presented by Mr. E. S. Bayley revealed that the association commenced the year with a balance in the bank of £7 7s., and finished with a balance of £29 14s 11d.. A profit of £26 had resulted from the Blackpool Jamboree and the scouts’ gala had realised 14s 6d.


Ald. J. T. Travis Clegg was re-elected president, Mr. E. S. Bayley treasurer, and Mr. J. Wilson auditor. Dr. G. M. Kay was elected secretary, Scoutmaster Tyson was elected District Scoutmaster, and Cubmaster Marshall District Cubmaster. Mr. Oakes was elected magazine secretary.

Lancaster Observer 12 December 1930
p.7, c 2.