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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife


Scorton village

Lancaster Guardian 16 June, 1939

With Troop, Pack And Crew

Excellent weather favoured the visit to Lea Lodge, near Preston, last week, the occasion being the joint Seeonee# Pack meeting between Cubmasters from Preston and Lancaster.

Miss Myers*, A.D.C. for Cubs, Preston, in whose grounds the meeting took place, called her programme “The Wreck of the Good Ship Waingunga.” It was a refresher course which took the Cubmasters in an interesting and novel way through the First Star tests in which they themselves have to instruct their Cubs.

Major Ord. D.C.. for Preston and Mrs. Ord were interested visitors, whilst accompanying the Lancaster party were District Commissioner J. Dodds Drummond, A.D.C. R. E. Wright, Scout master Smith of the 8th., Lancaster (Presbyterian), Mr. J. Green and Mrs. Blakeley.

Refreshments were served at the close, Mr. Drummond thanked Miss Myers and the Preston people for an enjoyable evening. The return meeting will be on July 4th.

# Akela is a fictional character in Rudyard Kipling’s stories, The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book. He is the leader of the Seeonee pack of Indian wolves and presides over the pack’s council meetings. It is at such a meeting that the pack adopts the lost child Mowgli and Akela becomes one of Mowgli’s mentors.

* Miss Katharine Dorothea Myres was born 19 August 1877 in Ashton on Ribble. In 1939 she was living at Lea Lodge with her brother Frederick Edmund Myres. She is listed as a Lady Div. Supt. SJAB & Comm. WL10 VAD’s (Voluntary Aid Detachment). Lectures in Anti Gas . .


Their probationary period over, we send “Good Hunting” wishes to the 20th Lancaster (Friends’) Pack –Cubs David Gorrill, Tom Grey, George Fullenbaum, Kenneth Riley and Malcolm Walker -invested by Miss K. Manning (Akela) on Tuesday evening, in the presence of District Commissioner J. Dodds Drummond and A.D.C. R. E. Wright, who took the Grand Howl.

The Friends’ scout troop, nineteen strong, intend spending this week-end in camp at Great Tower, Windermere.

A start is being made with Clubs (sic) in connection with the 24th., Lancaster (St. Chad’s). – Misses D. Howard and D. Davitt are taking charge. We wish them every success and look forward to their official investiture.

Scoutmaster Johnson is conducting mapping class for scouts at the Friends School on Tuesday evenings, commencing at 7 p.m. The present class will continue for about three weeks, and will finish each night in time for swimmers to get to the baths.


There was a good attendance at swimming again this week, when V: Middlemass, T. Shuttleworth of the 6th., Lancaster, and R. Crowther of the 16th., Lancaster, passed their first class test. Other badge awards are to Scouts M. Mackereth, R. Murby, G. Wilkinson, H. Shannon, A. Thompson, J. Martin, D. Glbb, J. Robinson, F. Gardner, J. Verity. G. Dowbiggin, J. Foster, G. Capstick, H. Bargh and S. Koring, ” “Pathfinders” of the 20th., Lancaster (Friends’), and R. Howard and E. Howard, Second Class, of the 23rd., Lancaster (Christ Church).


Once a Scout always a Scout . . . the 13th., Lancaster are anxious to form an Old Scouts Association in connection with their group. A meeting will be held at their Clubroom, Church Street, on July 9th., at 8 p.m., to discuss this project, All Old Scouts are welcome.

The Cubmasters are hoping that the weather will be fine for the sports day at Bailrigg, to-morrow, Saturday, commencing at 2.30 p.m. If it is wet, however, I understand covered accommodation is available. Everybody turn up and let’s have a jolly good time. No need to bring cups and ‘eats,’ refreshments will be provided – AKELA

Scouts At Scorton

The 1st Heywood St. John’s Boy Scouts (of which the Rev. Edwin Jackson, Vicar of Scorton, was Scoutmaster before coming to Scorton 14 years ago) along with Scouts from Morecambe, Garstang, Scorton, and Abbeystead, took part in an impressive service at St. Peter’s Parish Church, Scorton.

The flag of the Heywood troop, who have been spending the week-end near the village in camp, was deposited by a Scorton colour party consisting of Acting Assistant Scoutmasters G. Moss, H. Hyndes, Patrol Leaders D. Hyndes, E. Bolton, G. Nicholls, and Second-Patrol Leader W. Jones. Another colour party represented the 1st Morecambe and Heysham Troop, comprising Patrol-Leader Taylor, Second-Patrol Leader H. Hill, and Scout L. Jowett. The Heywood Scout Band, under the direction of Mr. L. Davies, played selections in church, where the service was conducted by Mr. Jackson, who gave an Inspiring address on “Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth”.

Attending the service were Mr. J. K. Booth, vice-president of the Garstang Boy Scouts Association, Mr. T. W. Hyndes, Garstang Scoutmaster; Mr. A. Bartlett, member of committee; Mr. T. Mow, Scorton Scoutmaster: Mr. W. H. Bamford, Assistant District Commissioner of the Heywood Scouts Association; Scoutmaster F. Downham, and Bandmaster S. Dennely (1st Heywood St. John’s Scouts), and Mr. G. Whittles, District Scoutmaster, Morecambe and Heysham, Mr. O. W. Harmsworth, Scoutmaster, 1st Morecambe, Mr. G. Sunderland, Acting Scoutmaster, 1st Morecambe, and Mr. S. McHugh, D.C.M., of Heywood, who towards the end of the war was stationed at Belvedere Signalling School, Chatham, where Mr. Jackson was chaplain. Mr. McHugh and Mr. Jackson were meeting for the first time in 14 years.


The Scouts afterwards paraded through the village to the Public Hall, where refreshments were provided by members of the Mothers’ Union, An impromptu entertainment followed. The band played selections, and others taking part were Miss Elsie Coleman (accordian), Master Cyril Andrews, Rover J. Nuttall, Miss H. Garwood. Mr. T. Moss accompanied. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Hyndes thanked the visitors, and paid tribute to the Scout Movement. During an interval there was an amusing interlude Mr. Jackson being presented with a mascot miniature motor-car. It had been observed during the week-end that there was no car in the vicarage garage. Ald. T. W. Helme, County Area Commissioner, visited the camp, and expressed delight at its position and cleanliness.