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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Morecambe & Heysham Local Association

St. Laurence’s Church, Morecambe

Source: Minute book, Morecambe & Heysham & District Local Association.

“The First Meeting was called by Mr. Helme, the District Commissioner for Lancaster, to consider the formation of a Local Association for Morecambe and Heysham and District. This was held in the Toc H. room, St. Laurence’s Schools, Edward Street, Morecambe & Heysham on Friday Aug. 29th, 1930.

In the absence of an official Chairman, Mr. Helme was elected to the Chair. Letters of regret were read from the Mayor (Counc. J. W. Carleton, J.P.), the Rev. Egerton Ward Vicar of St. Laurence’s Church and the Rev. Howard Davies of the Congretational (sic) Church, Mr. Helme then introduced Capt. Michaelson, the Asst. District (sic) Commissioner for N.W. Lancs. who explained the working and functions of a Local Association. Group S. M. Peel (1st Sandylands) moved that a Local Association be formed. This was seconded by Mr. H. Parker and carried. Mr. Harry Gorton moved and Mr. Wild seconded that Mr. J. Sly be appointed Chairman, while Mr. H. Parker moved and Mr. Wild seconded that Mr. Harry Gorton be Vice Chairman. Both these were carried. At this stage Mr. J. Sly took the Chair. Mr. Wild proposed and Mr. F. Clayton seconded that Mr. G. S. Evenden be appointed Secretary. Carried.

Mr. Wild proposed and Mr. E. Barrow seconded that Mr. H. Parker be appointed Treasurer. Carried.

The question of the General Meeting was discussed and it was decided to hold a Public Meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 7th. 1930 at 7.30 p.m. S.M. Harmsworth moved and A.S.M. Robinson seconded that the Mayor be asked to take the Chair and provide the room in the Town Hall. Carried. As an alternative venue for the room for the meeting, Mr. Wild proposed and Mr. F. Clayton seconded that the St. Barnabas Church be approached for the use of their Schoolroom. This was carried  and Mr. H. Gorton appointed to see the Mayor and Mr. Wild to see the Vicar of St. Barnabas.

It was agreed to advertise the public Meeting in the three Local Papers.

Mr. Wild proposed and Mr. H. Gorton seconded that the next meeting be held in the Toc H. Room on Monday Sept. 8th at 8.30 p.m. to hear the result of the representatives’ visits to the Mayor and Vicar of St. Barnabas. Carried.

Mr. Wild proposed and Mr. F. Clayton seconded that the minimum subscription for Ordinary Members be 5/- per annum and the minimum subscription for Vice Presidents be 21/- per annum. 

The Secretary was requested to obtain literature from Headquarters.

It was agreed that the Local Association be called the “Morecambe and Heysham and District Local Association” of the South Lonsdale District of N.W. Lancs.

The Morecambe Branch of Toc H. was cordially thanked for the use of their room.

There were present:-

Mr. Helme, Dist. Commissioner Lancaster.
Capt. Michaelson, Assy (sic). Comm. N.W. Lancs.
Mr. R. E. Wright, Dep. Comm. Lancaster.
G.S.M. G. Whittles, 1st Morecambe.
S.M. K. Harmsworth, 1st Morecambe.
Rover J. P. Hughes, 1st Sandylands.
A.S.M. Robinson, Sea Scouts.
S.M. Makin, 4th Bare.
G.S.M. A. Peel, 1st Sandylands.
A.S.M. N. Peel, 1st Sandylands.
A.S.M. J. Webster, 6th Morecambe.
Rover A. Izat, 1st Sandylands.
Mr. Harold Parker.
Mr. J. Sly.
Mr, Harry Gorton.
Mr. Edgar Barrow, Toc H. Morecambe.
Mr. Fred Clayton.
Mr. G. S. Evenden.
Mr. H. Wild.”

A Meeting of the Executive was held in the Imperial Hotel on the 23rd October 1930, the Chairman (Mr. J. Sly) being in the Chair.


An Application for Group Registration by the local Toc H Branch was next brought, and in view of the fact that the names of the Groups in the District were likely to get confusing, G.S.M. Peel proposed and Mr. F. Clayton seconded that the Group names be revised as follows:

1st Morecambe & Heysham. G.S.M. Whittles.
2nd Morecambe & Heysham. (Weslyan) (sic) A.S.M. Robinson.
3rd Morecambe & Heysham. (Sandylands) late 1st Sandylands G.S.M. A.Peel.
4th Morecambe & Heysham. (Bare) S.M. Makin
5th Morecambe & Heysham. G.S.M. E. Wilson. (the  new applicants).
6th Morecambe & Heysham. (E.E. Weslyan) S.M. Izat.

This revision was carried.

A Meeting of the Executive was held in the Parochial Hall, Sandylands, on the Dec. 18th 1930, the Chairman (Mr. J. Sly) in the Chair.


a letter from the County Sec. re. the County Scouts Council for N.W. Lancs was read, and also one from the Dist. commissioner Mr. T. Helme announcing the appointment of Mr. E. Barrow as Asst. Dist. Commissioner . . .