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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Scouts’ parents’ evening- 12th Lancaster

Lancaster Guardian 01 December 1950

Scouting News And Notes

Scouts’ parents’ evening

A parents’ evening at the H.Q. of the 12th Lancaster Scout Troop at Willow Lane, was the first to be held since the group was re-formed 18 months ago. A large number of parents and well-wishers attended and they were welcomed by the District Commissioner. Mr. Hector Todd, who was accompanied by the Rev. A. F. Clark and Mr. W. E. Jones, hon. secretary of the Parents’ Committee.

After flag break the Cub Pack, under Cubmaster Mr. G. Cowherd, gave a demonstration of some of the aspects of training usually associated with a normal evening’s activity, including one of the Jungle dances. Members of the Ladies’ Committee served refreshments.

Afterwards the Scouts took over the programme in which first-aid, lashing, signalling and games were demonstrated.


An investiture of two new Scouts followed and the presentation of awards to others included five proficiency badges (House Orderly), three first proficiency stars to the Cubs and service stars to the Scouts.

A parent who rushed into the room dressed in comic attire was rewarded with a prize by Mrs. Clark. The Rev. A. F. Clark brought the evening to a close co-operation (sic) with a short address in which he stressed the need for close co-operation between parents and scouters.

After flag down the Chaplain led the meeting in prayer.

Scotforth camp fire

An indoor camp-fire, promoted by the Patrol-Leaders Parliament was held in St. Paul’s Parish Hall, Scotforth, on Saturday evening. District Commissioner H. Todd, who was accompanied by Assistant District Commissioner R. E. Wright and District Cubmaster Mrs. M. Davies, declared the camp-fire open.

Under the direction of Troop-Leader K. Hargreaves and Scoutmaster D. Renninson, the assembled Scouts and Guides sang lustily and enjoyed several short stage items presented by members of various troops and companies.

Amongst those taking part were: David Kew, Roger Hunt, Lawrence Woodburn, Colin Ward (13th Lancaster); John Lowther and volunteers (4th); Scoutmaster S. Baker (5th), accordionist; Margaret Law, Jean Kirkbride, Doreen Stephenson, Jean Oakes, Joyce Dent and Kathleen Macauley (Sea Rangers); Kenneth Potter (12th), monologue; George Brindle, Peter Dakin, Gerald Clarke, Keith Coulthard, Ronald Lucas, Gerald Bates, Peter Kelly, Peter Winder (23rd); Alan Doubleday, Colin Holmes, Derek Whittle, Terry Robinson (21st).

Prayers and the National Anthem closed the camp-fire.

Senior Scouts B. Daly, T. Compston, B. Wearing and J. S. Fox of the 4th Lancaster have recently qualified to wear the Venturer badge.

Rovers of the 13th Lancaster appreciated a talk given to them on Saturday evening by Mr. W. Lord who illustrated his subject “An Appreciation of Music,” with recordings.