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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Wet Weather Shelter, SilverHelme

The official opening of the SilverHelme wet weather shelter took place in wet weather, appropriately, on Tuesday 26th  June 2012.

The ceremony was carried out by Susan Reynolds our District President.

Introducing proceedings, Mike Nelson, Chairman of the Camp Sites Board, invited all present to stand to observe one minutes silence in memory of Jimmy Bond, Scout Leader 35th Lancaster and member of the SilverHelme Service Team, who had died two days previously.

Mike welcomed the District President and other guests, including Mrs Agar, widow of Brian who had been Camp Sites Treasurer for a number of years and Marcus Worthington whose firm had generously supported the project.

He then went on to thank everyone who had been involved in bringing the project to a successful completion – architects, builders, members of the Camp Sites Board and Service Team members.

Refreshments were kindly laid on through the auspices of Keiron and Dorothy Ryan.

When organising camps for Beaver Scouts or Cub Scouts, alternative accommodation is required to be available within reasonable distance for use in the event of adverse conditions. The new shelter will admirably meet this pre-requisite.

Lonsdale District Scouts