We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Young Leaders’ Training

I believe some people are having problems getting hold of booking forms for the up and coming Young Leader events so have attached them.

Young Leader Training Weekend Permission Form

Young Leader Module K Booking Form

The events are Young Leader Module K-9.30-16.00, 53rd Lancaster. This is the first aid course of the training and the only module that isn’t covered over the Young Leader training weekends. Places going fast!

The next event will be the first training weekend 13th-15th March, at Silverhelme. If your Young Leader can’t make the whole weekend then they can come for the day/ a few hours. We’ll also be running a Module A (time to be confirmed) for any new Young Leaders.

(Young Leader training weekend 1-please note new venue and date due to mix up with bookings. 13th-15th March, Silverhelme. Great chance to begin your Young Leader training as well as sharing ideas, learning skills and meeting new people.)

Please encourage your Young Leaders to book on if they haven’t already as the completion of these events will help them achieve their Young Leader missions, resulting in their Young Leader belt. As well as a training day/ weekend we also use it as a chance for other Young Leaders to meet each other and make friends.

Thanks for your support, if you have any questions then get in touch.

Young Leader Explorer Leader

Explorer 2015