It is with great sadness that I report that Andrew Buckley has suddenly passed away.
Over more than twenty five years in Lonsdale, as an adult volunteer, whether as a member of Scout Active Support (formerly Fellowship) or as an Assistant Scout Leader and then Assistant Group Scout Leader at 53rd Lancaster, Andrew has always demonstrated the true spirit of Scouting. Despite personal health problems, Andrew could always be found getting stuck in, pushing himself to the limit and helping other people. He truly was a person who had courage in all difficulties but acted with good humour and a great sense of fun. He will be greatly missed by his family and friends and our thoughts are with them.
I will write again to confirm funeral details in due course, as I know many of you will want to pay your respects.
In Scouting
Craig Dewar
District Commissioner
Andrew’s funeral will take place on Monday 15 August at 11 am at Lancaster & Morecambe Crematorium with a gathering afterwards at the Strathmore Hotel on Marine Road.
Those attending are invited to wear Scout uniform should they so wish.
It would be helpful, for catering purposes, if anyone intending to attend the gathering could let the District Secretary know as soon as possible. Email: