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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

1st Carnforth Annual Report 1941


Carnforth Guardian, 10 January,1941

Good Year’s Work Despite Difficulties

Group Scoutmaster S. L. Whalan, of the 1st Carnforth Troop, in his annual report states “The end of 1940 and the first year of hostilities has found the Troop still active, whilst many others have found it difficult to continue. The Cub and Scout sections have still the same average attendance, whilst a new addition in the Senior Patrol commenced in June for boys 15½ years to 17 years, continues to flourish. The Rover Crew has had its numbers depleted by members being called up, but even these continue to write and maintain interest and membership. The Rover Den at Capernwray is not neglected, and four members spent a happy weekend there recently.


“Practically the whole of the Senior Patrol have posts in the Council A.R.P. sections, and members of the Rover Crew are in the Home Guard. In addition to these duties the whole of the sorting and despatching of paper salvage is done by the Scouts, Senior Patrol and Rover Crew. The “black-out” adds a great difficulty. Each member of the group attempts to put in 2 1/2 hours per week on paper salvage, and in November 26 scouts put in 123 hours in one week, an average of almost five hours per head.

The Scoutmaster thanked Miss Weeks for the use of the premises, and appealed to the general public not to put garbage among the paper, and to remember that boys have to work amongst it with their hands.

The Cubs under Cubmaster W. Howie, have suspended their meetings until March, owing to the blackout.

The Scouts have been well organised by S.M. D. Beaumont, and A.S.M. H. Longcake, and along with the Senior Patrol have in the last three months gained the following proficiency badges: Carpenter’s. A. Fallowfield, R. Hammill, K Stride, G. Woods, K. Basnett, J. Gardner, T. Cocks, S. Wilson. W. Woodhouse, and F. Conway. Ambulance, O. Bleasdale, Musician, D. Badley; Healthiness, W, Walker, D. Badley, J. Edwards, E. Clague; Farmer, J Edwards, E. Cooke, Gardener, P. L. K. Basnett, D Rees, F. Conway, W. Wood¬house, S. Wilson, T. Cocks; Civil Defence. P. L. K. Basnett, 2nd, P. L. D. Bees, W. Atack, K. Walkden, J. Gardner, W. Woodhouse, F. Conway; Cook, K. Basnett, D. Rees, J. Gardner; Motor Mechanic’s, J Gardner; Artist, K Basnett, Several passed Second Class Tests so in spite of National Service the scouting side has not been neglected.

In the summer a happy time was spent in camp at Greystoke.

Thanks were due to the following members of the Committee for their work during the year: Mesdames Bleasdale, Whalan, Ludlam, Walker, Guirer, Basnett and the hon. secretary, Mrs. Hoggarth.

“May 1942 find us still as active. I am writing this while waiting to enter Carlisle Infirmary for an operation and hope soon to recover and return to full activities with the Troop,” concludes the Scoutmaster.

Lancaster Guardian 11 July 1941:


Patrol Leader Gordon Hoggarth, of the 1st Carnforth Scout Troop, has been successful in gaining his First Class Badge and also his Cyclist Proficiency Badge, and is thus qualified to receive his Green and Yellow (All Round) Cords.  He is the first Scout in Carnforth to gain these Cords, and he has also been promoted to the rank of Troop Leader. 

See also Leaving Carnforth, GSM Whalan 1947