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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Memorial Services for B-P 1941

Memorial Service – For Chief Scout

Lancaster Guardian 24 January, 1941

A Scout and Guide Memorial Service for the Chief Scout, the Rt. Hon. Lord Baden-Powell, who died recently, was held on Sunday in the Lancaster Priory Church, when hundreds of Scouts, Girl Guides, Cubs and Brownies from the district attended. The service fell into two parts, with the address acting as a connecting link between the two. The first part was a Commemoration of the Chief Scout, the opening hymn being,”O God our Help in Ages Past,” followed by special sentences bearing relation to Scouting (Psalm 121, “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills”) and. prayers, closing with the singing of the Nunc Dimittis. The address was then given by the Rev. E. Shufflebottom. The hymns ” He who would valiant be,” and ” Land of our birth, we pledge thee.” – were sung during the second half when the Scout and the Guide Promises were renewed. To conclude the service the National Anthem was sung and the Bishop of Lancaster (the Rt. Rev. B. Pollard), gave the blessing. The Rev. R. A. Harpur and the Bishop each conducted a part of the service.

Silverdale Honours Memory Of B.P.

On Sunday morning at Silverdale Parish Church the Vicar (Rev. H. Benson) conducted a memorial service for the late Chief Scout The Rt. Hon. Lord Baden Powell  of Gilwell. The Vicar had invited the Home Guard, Scout and Guide Groups, and members of the Parish Council to be present and there was a splendid response. The Home Guard (under Major Wilkinson), the Scouts and Guides marched from their respective headquarters to the Church and occupied the front pews.

The local Scout Troop led the procession in the Church, the colour bearer being Arnold Bogshaw (a Salford evacuee), followed by the Girl Guides. with Enid Richmond bearing the colours, and Escorts Margaret Price and Jessie Holmes. The Home Guard and members of the Parish Council (Messrs. R. Kaye, J. E. Lacey, T. I. Quirk and F. W. Whitton) followed. The colours of the respective Guide and Scout Groups were received by the Vicar, who is also Scoutmaster.


A simple but impressive service  was of the form authorised for all Scout troops in the Empire and in foreign countries. The service commenced with the hymn “O God our Help in Ages Past.” followed by Psalm 121 and Dimittis.” After the address delivered by the Vicar, the hymn “He who would valiant be” was sung. The  lesson was read by Mr. J. H. Whinnerah (lay reader) and Mr. J. Taylor was at the organ.

Scouts and Guides repeated after the Scoutmaster and Miss Calverley (captain) their respective promises. The Vicar said the people had to thank God for Baden Powell’s life and the noble example set by his character of sacrifice and service He used the powers of his great genius in training young people in useful service. He recognised the simple realities of life and the joy of his life’s work was its dedication to God and then to mankind.

Mr. Benson concluded by reading Lord Baden Powell’s last message to all Scouts and Guides The service ended with the Blessing and the singing of the National Anthem.

Lonsdale District Scouts