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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

National Service

Lancaster Guardian 05 May 1939:

District Scoutmaster A. D. Sharpe, who, by the way, has been appointed chairman of the Scouters meeting for the next 12 months, is to take charge of our National Service arrangements. He would be glad if Scoutmasters would send to him at 107, Ashton Drive, Lancaster, the names and addresses of Scouts between the ages of 14 and 17, who are willing to volunteer to act as messengers in case of emergency. It is essential that volunteers first obtain parental consent on  the prescribed form, obtainable from Mr. Sharpe, to whom it should be returned (through the Scoutmaster of the troop to which the volunteer belongs). Arrangements for the necessary training will be advised later. The wide game dealing with the points of the National Service badge will take place on Saturday, May 20th, and not this week has provisionally fixed.


There will be no camp this Whitsuntide under Association auspices. Troops who had anticipated such, can now plan their own activities.
The Salvation Army Life-Saving Scouts, who are affiliated to us, are holding a service at their Church Street headquarters on Sunday, at 11 a.m.
Accommodation is limited, but they would welcome representatives from troops who care to join them.
The 15th Lancaster (Baptist) Cub Pack had an enjoyable time when they rambled to Quernmore and had tea in the “jungle” in Long Lane. Cubs Wilfred Kelly and Eric Lupton have been awarded their second proficiency star.


Scout badge activity has brought the Artist Badge award to Jeffrey Barker, of the 7th Lancaster; Pathfinder to Scouts Dransield, Bentley, Watts, Heseltine, and Harrison of the 13th Lancaster; Ambulance to Harrison and Jones, also of the 13th, and Gardener and Cyclist badge to R. Mackarel, of the 21st Lancaster.
The Proficiency Course as a Wood Badge preliminary for Cubmasters had a good start last Friday, when ADC R. E. Wright took charge. It will be continued during the next three Fridays at the 15th Lancaster Den, and a cordial invitation is extended to all who are interested, to come along.
The “P.T.” class on Saturday evenings has closed for the summer months.