We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife
We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Scout Notes

Morecambe Guardian 11 May 1929

Duty really means doing it and not merely wanting to do it. Our Chief has clearly defined the Scout’s Duty and that is “We are ready to be ready and willing at all times to sacrifice self in order to help others.” To do this we must know something about everything, because if we found a fellow with a broken leg, we could not help him by knowing how to light a fire with two matches. One way of knowing something about everything is to gain the useful Proficiency Badges – I do not mean for swanking purposes, but to use them. But we have got to be practical. For instance, we will not get a chance  every day of showing how expert we are in the different methods of “artificial persperation” as a certain Tenderfoot so aptly called it.

Now I wonder how many of the Scouts with the Missioners’ Badge think of going to the Infirmary to find out if there is anyone who never has visitors, and if there is, taking a few flowers for them. Or of cheering the last days of an aged and blind couple by devoting a few hours a week to reading the papers to them.

Scouting is based on the code of the Knights of old, and they went out to look for Good Turns and did not stay at home to nurse the cat. It does not matter how big or small the Good Turn is – the thimg that matters is that a Scout is moved by the spirit of Service and Sacrifice to do it.



I would like to thank everybody who came to the St. George’s Day Parade and made it such an excellent turn-out of both Scouts and supporters. We will have another as soon as possible. News is rather at a premium this month, but Whitsun Camp is coming – please let me have any snaps you would like published.
4th Lancasters, — A successful jumble sale was held on April 20th, the proceeds being devoted to Troop Funds. The classes for badges are being well attended. The committee have arranged  for rambles to be held on Saturday afternoons. Each Patrol Leader will choose a route and the first was held on May 4th. The attendances during April have been fairly good.
11th Lancasters, — The Troop still continues to progress along the line indicated last month. The Whitsun Camp is being held at Silverdale.
12th Lancasters, — The first summer outing was held on Saturday, April 2oth, when a good muster of the Troop went to Hest Bank. Football was played and then the more serious side of cooking and fire-lighting, for the 1st and 2nd class badges was proceeded with. Arriving home about 8p.m., though tired, everyone voted it a jolly afternoon. On April 17th a whist drive was held in St George’s, 23 tables being played, and on April 26th, a jumble sale was held in aid of the Marquee Fund. The object of our ambition will soon be realised as, thanks to the support of our friends, £10 was raised by these efforts.
13th Lancasters, — The Troop is developing rapidly and attendance and smartness continue at a very high standard. We have started a collection of the plaster casts of the footprints, etc., of the various birds etc., which we have made on our Saturday parades for some time past. All Patrols are keenly competing for the prizes mentioned in last month’s notes.
14th (CCC) Lancasters, — The Troop are busy with preparations for the Whitsun Camp at Quernmore and will have more to say for themselves next month.
1st Ellel, — Six boys passed 1st class cooking test when on a hike to Abbeystead on April 3rd. A successful whist drive and dance was held on April 19th at Galgate. Out-door Scouting on Saturdays consists of practice for the First Class Distance Height, etc., judging. The Troop had a tracking test on April 27th and knew their signs very well.
4th Lancaster Rovers, — Rover C. Derrick has now been sworn into the Crew, who have held two very successful week-end camps. There was great activity at the last when the Crew built a camp galley and kitchen, following a visit to Capt. Michaelson‘s Camp at Windermere. A good start for the new season was made at the baths last Monday — a number of the Crew being there. Preparations are being made for the coming debate with the Rangers. S/M Malham and Rover Bartle will speak for Disarmament.

Friend to Animals: James Cornthwaite, J. Brayshall, H. Jackson, R. Peat, D. Pierce, R. Jackson, E. Leeming, E. Brayshall, G. Shackleton, T. Shingler, T. Eccles, R. Brayshall, E. Clarkson, R.E. Wilkinson, A. Waddington, E. Hornby, W. Cornthwaite, J. Wilson, H. Partridge, R. Fox, J. Peat, 1st Ellel.
Cyclist: T.G. Haywood, C. King, S. Jackson,, 4th Lancaster.
Missioner: W. Pearce, E. Leeming, G. Shackleton, J. Brayshaw, E. Hornby, A Brayshaw, J. Wilson, H. Jackson, A. Waddington, T. Shingler.
Metal Worker: D. Pearce, 1st Ellel.