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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Silverdale Scouts’ Concert

Morecambe Guardian 15 March 1935:-


An appreciative audience attended the fourth annual concert of the 1st Silverdale Scouts and Cubs, held in the Gaskell Memorial Hall on Friday evening.  The concert was arranged by Mr. R. Richmond and the Group Committee.  The 1st Silverdale Company of Girl Guides also contributed various items.  Mrs. Richmond trained the Scouts and Miss Jean Procter the Guides.  Mr. W. Riley* presided, supported by County Alderman T. W. Helme (District Commissioner), and Mr. Wright (Assistant District Commissioner), of Lancaster.  There were also present officers of the local Girl Guides (the Misses J. Procter, D. Hisom and M. Newman). The artistes included Teddy Lambert, George Mason, Jas. Knowles, Tom Dobson, Reginald Marriner, Gilbert Lambert, Wilbert Fielden, Tom Richmond, Harry Hiley, Bartle Lucas, Misses Jean Procter, E. Winterbottom , Edna Marriner and Cavell Richmond.  At the close Ald. Helme expressed thanks to the artistes and announced that the new headquarters of the troop were now clear of debt.  The concert was in aid of the troop’s funds and realized £5.  

Older Riley with turndown shirt collar

*This would be Willie Riley 1866-1961 born in Laisterdyke, Bradford, an English novelist. In 1919 he moved to Silverdale in Lancashire, for the sake of his wife’s health, and named his house Windyridge after his first novel.  He wrote his autobiography, Sunset Reflections, at the age of 91 in 1957. His last novel was published in May 1961, and he died at the age of 95 on 4th June 1961.

In his autobiography, Sunset Reflections (1957), he recalls tales of life in Silverdale, where amongst other activities he was chair of the Building Committee for the Gaskell Memorial Hall.

Link to this extract from “The Silver Dale” by Willie Riley (published 1932), which describes a familiar scene for users of SilverHelme.

Article from the first edition of The Yorkshire Dalesman published in 1939.


“The Man of the Dales by W. RILEY

The YORKSHIRE DALESMAN !  My heart warms at the thought of him; sturdy; independent; as far as may be his own law-maker; somewhat suspicious of strangers, yet “given to hospitality”; content with his own world which he is disposed to think better than any other; shrewd but not shrewish; a phrase-maker and a master of pungent wit in spite of his slowness of speech; often uncouth and occasionally uncivil, but without ill intent; a good friend and not often a relentless enemy – I say my heart warms at the thought of him and of his homeland.”

“The North has her mountains, and dearest are they,
And the North has my heart to the end of the way.”