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We provide fun, challenge and adventure to over 1400 young people in North Lancashire – #SkillsForLife

Scouting Notes & News – 21st Lancaster

Lancaster Guardian 31 December 1954:-


It will doubtless be of interest to former members of the 21st Lancaster Cub Pack at Bowerham, to learn that it has attained its majority.

Mrs. Mary Davis (formerly Miss Clark) tells me that it started in October, 1933, and that the enrolment and investiture of the first Cubs was on December 18 in that year. She enrolled them and the 12 boys received their badges from the late Mr. T. W. Helme who was then District Commissioner. Mr. R. E. Wright was also present.

The numbers subsequently reached 36 before a halt was called, and during the intervening years countless others have passed through the Pack which has always been in the forefront of local cubbing.

Mrs. Davis is still in charge of the 21st, of which her son, Russell, is a member. She is District Cubmaster and a badge examiner, and was originally associated with the old 12th Lancaster.


The birthday party held recently, before the anniversary date, was a special affair at which there was the traditional cake with 21 candles, and a feast of good things served by a Mesdames Hoyle, Malin, Rostron and Thomas. The rest of the evening was spent in playing games. Scoutmaster, the Rev. G. R. Palmer and Assistant Scoutmaster Turner attended, and Cub Instructor R. Johnson. Prizes for games were won by Raymond Hoyle, Michael Curwen, Halvyn Malin, Timmy Driver, Terry Smith, Peter Capstick and Mrs. Rostron.

Leaping Wolf badge and second proficiency star was awarded to Andrew Thomas. Collector badges to Halvyn Malin, Peter Ellwood and Peter Capstick; Homecraft badge to Andrew Thomas and Halvyn Malin, and first year proficiency star to Billy Airey. Diaries for noteworthy service during the year were given to Raymond Hoyle (most consistent cub); Russell Davis (regular attendance); Peter Ellwood and Andrew Thomas (most progressive cubs); and Ivan Rostron (best bob-a-job collector). The pack has the record score of 3,873 in jam jar collections.

The present Pack has been photographed and a print given to each member. An outing to Blackpool Illuminations was another treat to mark the coming-of-age year. We could suggest another – a reunion of old boys !


In extending best wishes to all groups at this festive season, may we remind them that this is their column. While we have always maintained that the best advertisement for Scouting is an efficient Group whose work and service advertises itself, we do like to publicise fairly the progress of all.

Whilst recording the story of the 21st Lancaster’s 21 years, it came to mind surprisingly that this column, though not a regular weekly feature, has indeed had a continuous existence since 1937. During these years through the courtesy of the “Guardian” your official scribe, under the pen name of Akela, the sentimental choice from the days when I led the 16th Lancaster (St. Paul’s) Pack, with which I am still associated as Group Chairman.

In giving you the toast of “Good Scouting in 1955,” may I express the hope that you will remember that this column is for you, and that your first job in the new year should be to appoint your Group scribes to keep contact with me. The address you might note again is 23, Toll Bar Crescent, Scotforth, and the name,

Lonsdale District Scouts